MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Thank God - so are #metoo and conservati...

Thank God - so are #metoo and conservatives in the same hate group now?

It was so heartbreaking to see an old man forced to suffer like that because of our medieval justice system.

To think that you can be convicted for something that someone thinks you did 30 years ago when the evidence is nothing other than the accuser's complaints. We know from the Salem Witch Trials that women and especially young women are given this power in our society to destroy people's lives and even have them be killed because of their fictional testimonies (ie. witches aren't real). So #metoo go f yourself.

And as much as conservatives think they hate #metoo I bet you ANYTHING they are conflicted and think an 80+ year old man should have been in prison because of something that may or may not have happened 40 years ago JUST because he's black. Despite what CNN says this is a victory for American law and human kind.


Pretty much. And by the way it was 2004, so 17 years, not 30.


You're deluded if you believe conservatives think he should have been in prison "just because he's black."


There’s overwhelming evidence
that the criminal justice system
is racist. Here’s the proof.

Republicans will deny this EVERY TIME.


I don't see how that is "overwhelming" evidence of criminal justice system being racist.

That "overwhelming" evidence just shows that Blacks have more problems with police and justice. But there's a much logical explanation: they have a higher level of criminality.


I don't see any overwhelming evidence of any racism in the article you linked. Rather, I see two ways to interpret the same data.

One side, Democrats, sees it as proof of what the want to believe: that the criminal justice system is racist. They view the data through an emotional lens, and see it as a sort of wish fulfillment.

The other side, Republicans, interpret the data factually, not emotionally, and see proof that black Americans commit more crimes than Americans of other races.

Acknowledging that black Americans commit significantly more crimes than white Americans is not "being racist."

Some statistics for you to consider:

The Washington Post has created a database of every known deadly police shooting in America since 2015. Keep in mind that The Washington Post is a left-leaning newspaper. As of April, 2021, the police have shot and killed 6,211 people. Only 2% of them were unarmed black people. It should be greater than 13% if the police were racist.

Meanwhile, 89% of blacks who are killed, are killed by other black Americans.

Something else to consider: males age 18 to 34 commit the majority of crimes. About 3.19% of Americans are black males aged 18 to 34, yet, black Americans account for 51% murder and manslaughter arrests, 53% robbery arrests, and 36% all violent crime arrests.

Some stats from New York City: "blacks committed 66 percent of all violent crimes in the first half of 2009 (though they were only 55 percent of all stops and only 23 percent of the city’s population). Blacks committed 80 percent of all shootings in the first half of 2009. Together, blacks and Hispanics committed 98 percent of all shootings. Blacks committed nearly 70 percent of all robberies. Whites, by contrast, committed 5 percent of all violent crimes in the first half of 2009, though they are 35 percent of the city’s population (and were 10 percent of all stops). They committed 1.8 percent of all shootings and less than 5 percent of all robberies."


Well it did happen. Cosby admitted it happened and in exchange for doing so was promised a free pass. That promise was broken but is the technicality that's now got him released.


He admitted to partying with quaaludes in the '60s and '70s, and to giving them to women. He never admitted to drugging anyone with the intent to rape them.

My opinion is that, like many, and likely most of Hollywood, he partied with drugs and alcohol, and as is often the case, people drunk and high hook up. Sometimes they even black out and don't remember what they did the night before.


I think you'll find it's liberals who are baying for Cosby's blood. They're the ones who have been making a racket on social media for the last few years. Look at the reactions on Twitter to Cosby's overturned conviction. The hate is coming from lefties like Kathy Griffin, Amber Tamblyn, Rosie O'Donnell, Rosanna Arquette and Debra Messing. All of these #MeToo "warriors" are Biden/Obama/Clinton mentalists. After the last five years, I think it's safe to assume most Conversatives couldn't care less about Hollywood or the out-of-touch celebrities who live there.

Trump lives in your head rent free. And I love it.

CNN continues to rot your brain.


OP: was it "30 years ago" or was it "40 years ago"?

Most conservatives are not in any hate group. Conservatives want hate groups like BLM and Antifa to stop their terrorism.


Did you bother to read the Supreme Court ruling and look at the evidence? Cosby wasn't innocent he was guilty as hell. The basic timeline of what happened is Cosby was being investigated for criminal charges, he was also being sued by one of the occussurers in civil court. In depositions for the civil suit he was taking the fifth Amendment against self incrimination, the prosecutor for some unknown reason made a deal with Cosby and agreed that they would not use anything he said in the civil trial against him in the criminal trial which eliminated Cosby's ability to take the fifth in the civil trial. At that point Cosby answered the question put to him in the civil trial where he admitted drugging and raping the woman. Now jump forward and you have a new prosecutor in charge and this prosecutor ignored the previous deal between Cosby and the old prosecutor and filed charges. He used the depositions Cosby gave in the civil trial in order to prove Cosby was a rapist. The Supreme Court ruling simply said that a prosecutor was bound by previous deals of other prosecutors which means Cosby's original deal was still in place and the last prosecutor wasn't allowed to use the civil case's depositions by Cosby, but because they used them in the trial the trial was unfair and the results were tossed. The bottom line is Cosby as freed because of something the prosecutor did, but it doesn't mean he was innocent he was guilty and admitted it in the civil case.
