The end of MeToo

It all started with Bill Cosby,and it all ends with Bill Cosby. Uncancel all the people canceled!


Patriarchy wins!! flawless victory


Yeah for the raping of white women!


So rapist didnt got punished before MeToo?


except for Gov. Guomo, he is immune...


Me too has been around long before Cosby, also this #metoo started with Weinstein and not Cosby. As long as there are victims there will be a Me Too.


I think you are mistaking the MeToo movement with the actual law! Anti-rape law? Of course did exist before Cosby! lmao its not like rape became a crime thanks to the MeToo! But the MeToo became big with Cosby even before Weinstein


No. Me Too started in the mid 2000s on MySpace.


You believe that there is/was no culture of sexual harassment going unreported and prosecuted and that no women were or are intimidated and coerced and paid off by movie industry figures?

Hollyweird is all good now? Or was it ever bad?


If they are paid off, they are prostitutes.


Victims of assault should always be heard but not the way metoo was doing it. If any one group is always deemed automatically in the right then everyone else is vulnerable .


Exactly. I am for "listen all women" but not for "believe all women".


Hey, that's actually very reasonable and logical. Are you sure you belong on moviechat?


It's like a random religion, kinda. Such as Scientology, for example. That specific form of stupid may not have been around for long and may die off sooner than later. But it doesn't matter. Once it's gone, the irrational cognitive machinery that causes something like that to arise in the first place will still exist, resulting in yet another religion taking its place. Another worshipping of something ridiculous that helps someone find purpose in their existence. As long as emotional reasoning and confirmation biases continue to triumph over critical thinking, this is a song that forever plays on loop. What's going on today, after all, is no different than what went on with the likes of Michael Jackson or Woody Allen in the early 90s. Or, heck, even Fatty Arbuckle in the 20s. It's only gotten worse due to social media causing baseless beliefs to spread and go viral more quickly than ever (pretty much the instant an accusation is made).

The news gets more attention when they have sensationalized stories with clear-cut villains, heroes, and victims (especially when the characters are famous). And they get even more attention when they report on something as early as humanly possible and take a hard stance (nevermind that this results in them popularizing ideas before enough time has passed for evidence of those ideas to come to light). So the media is always going to be inclined to prematurely burn someone at the stake, as that's what sells the best. And everyone reading about it will thus make their decisions prematurely (because that's what humans do), marrying into that belief, and then fighting tooth and nail to hold onto it regardless of what info comes out later.

I don't see the media stopping this any time soon. And I don't see everyone else suddenly adopting the "maybe I should withhold judgment until more evidence comes in" mindset. So even if the MeToo label is gone, the MeToo brain will continue to screw people over, in my opinion.


A wise comment indeed


What a load of nonsense.


I thought it started with this case, the Standford swimmer who raped a drunk girl and got too light of a sentence.


If I recall the story, he didn't rape her. They were both drunk and making out, she passed out, and he was apprehended by passerby who thought he might be about to rape her.


his release has nothing to do with #metoo though. It was a due process problem.
