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Shannen Doherty Tells Kevin Smith Her Film Career ‘Died’ Because of ‘Mallrats’ Box Office Failure

Kevin Smith has apologized to Shannen Doherty after she revealed to him his 1995 cult movie “Mallrats” killed her film career.

Doherty was reminiscing about the movie with Smith, a guest on her “Let’s Be Clear” podcast, when she pointed out that despite becoming a fan favorite, it had fared poorly at the box office when it was originally released.

“That’s kind of the interesting thing about ‘Mallrats,’ right, is that it wasn’t a box office success,” she told Smith, who replied “Oh, it died.”

“It died,” Doherty agreed. “So did my film career. That was it.”

Doherty was the most famous member of “Mallrats” when the movie came out, having already starred in “Heathers” and “Beverly Hills, 90210.” Smith even admitted during the podcast that it was largely because of Doherty’s involvement the film got greenlit.

When he asked Doherty during the podcast if she really never went on to make another feature, she replied: “No, that was it. People literally thought that I was carrying the movie so therefore it was a box office failure it was completely on me. So there was no film career after that, which was a little brutal.”

“I really thought ‘Mallrats’ was going to kick me into that gear [of making movies,” she added.

Contemplating the situation, Smith said later on in the podcast: “She’s right, man. It’s like, if this works, here goes the movie career. And it really did not. Boy, I apologize for that.”

Smith revealed that no one had expected the movie, which also starred Jason Lee, Ben Affleck and Jeremy London, to bomb so badly after it tested well with audiences at San Diego Comic Con. “Tom Pollock, who was the head of Universal Studios at that point, he’s there and he’s like, ‘I was there for the Animal House test screening and this is that. This movie is going to make $100 million.’ And he was off by $98 million.”

But the duo noted that “Mallrats” eventually found its audience. “So Mallrats comes out and dies this miserable death and then has this ten year ascension to cult classic,” Smith said, adding that over the years numerous film industry colleagues and peers, including Elizabeth Olsen, told him they were huge fans of the film.

Smith and Doherty also said during the podcast they are both up for making a sequel. “When are we doing ‘Mallrats 2?’” the director said. “We’ve had a script for quite some time…I’m game.”


No, Shannen. This movie didn't kill your career. Your movie career killed:

1. You were difficult to work with.
And in 1995 everyone in industry knew it. That you were throwin diva tantrums on set of 90210 and quit or was fired.

2. Lack of talent to play different roles. You lack charisma.
Producers can shut their eyes on bad behavior if actor is talented and brings money.

3. TV actors, specially in that era, could very rarely transit from tv to movie stars. Once you start and become famous on TV - you stay there forever. Very few escaped. NO ONE from 90210 transitioned to movies. All tried and all failed.

4. You didn't try enough. Many tv stars just sit and wait for invitations. While those who really really want it - would press their agent and go to every audition before landing something. And thei big mistake is that many try for lead roles. While they should try for supporting. As not everyone can lead and producers are afraid to lose money. But its easier to sneak into supporting roles. Roles like in Heathers were good for her. She was in big movie and she was noticeable.

And judging by this interview I don't think Shannen to this day understands that her tantrums and diva behavior killed her career. She was given second chance with Charmed. And she blew it again by fighting with co-stars and being fired. After that Hollywood gave up on her. And she still thinks it was some silly Kevin Smith movie. That if that would be successful then she would get more roles.


Yeah , agreed with Emori. I remember Shannen in the 90s - she was a jerk. But that aside, I feel terribly for what happened to her. I guess she is not going to be around much longer. Plus I think she's only in her late 40s. Way too young to lose your life. My sympathies to her.


You are totally right. Also, she says she carried the movie, but she's really just a supporting character. Jason is the lead, without a doubt.


Yes. That was funny. She is blink and you'll miss it first trailer and little bit more in second. Those two guys were obviously main stars and carrying movie. And she was just "ex-girlfriend" or something.


She doesn't actually blame the film but okay.


I disagree that she had a real movie career.

Anyway, wasn't she fired twice because she was difficult to work with? That killed her career along with her not having a movie star look.


And judging by this interview I don't think Shannen to this day understands that her tantrums and diva behavior killed her career. She was given second chance with Charmed. And she blew it again by fighting with co-stars and being fired. After that Hollywood gave up on her.

I can't think of specific names right now, but there are certain actors who seem to get recurring roles in TV shows that aren't actually the same character, but the production keeps calling their names. My guess is these actors keep getting these jobs because they show up on time, know their lines, do a great job (of course), don't argue with the director or ask for writing changes, and probably are just fun people on the set as icing.

People just get so fatigued of actors with bad behavior after a while.


In this film, Smith killed audience empathy by writing the "Stink Hand" scene for his protagonist.

That San Diego Comic Con attendees loved it however, is no surprise.


Yes. This was disgusting.

San Diego Comic Con attendees loving movie and then producers thinking those nerd-boys actually represent general public was even funnier.


"Mallrats" is her scapegoat.
