new baby???

I was looking at some pictures on of Nancy. She is holding her sttomach like she's pregnant. Is she pregnant again? I looked like it.


Yep, saw the pictures and she's definitely quite pregnant. Looks great though. There are pics on wireimage and filmmagic as well as some of the other picture sites.


I saw it too. I hope she don't end up quitting acting for good or for a long time and becoming some uber-religious christion fundamentalist type and end up home-schooling her 2 kids until they are each 18 years old.


Since when does having a baby equal becoming a Christian fundamentalist? I also doubt it her case. I'm sure she'll probably work less, but I doubt she'll give up acting.


Quote from galinda: "Since when does having a baby equal becoming a Christian fundamentalist? "

Since she has Lisa Whelchel to influence her and inspire her and tell her that god doesn't like you to act anymore and just to be a full-time stay-at-home mother/wife instead. Since Nancy McKeon admitted in the FOL DVD interview to having read one of Lisa Whechel's books. I feel Nancy McKeon has finally been brainwashed by Lisa Whelchel already. I truly feel Nancy McKeon will be just like Lisa Whelchel when it comes to raising her kids, a stay at home mother who home-schools them full-time and gives up acting for good because God(and Lisa Whelchel) told her to. And did I forget to tell you, Nancy McKeon has got by far the awesomest Southern Accent I have ever heard in my life(as heard in the Michael J Fox true-life stories interview).


Read my other post. Being friends with someone does not equate having the same beliefs. I also think Nancy is rather strong in her own right and she doesn't seem the type to be easily influenced into something just because her friend is doing it.


Nope, Nancy isn't the type to be influenced into something just because other former child stars have done it in their adult years. (I.E. drugs and alcohol for example.) Lisa Whelchel is totally different than those other former child-stars. Christian Fundamentalist/Home-schooler/stay at home mother/wife=Lisa Whelchel. Drugs and Alcohol and theft/armed robbery and heavy partying=most other former child-stars. Big difference. It was the latters that Nancy McKeon was avoiding dearly. I still think Nancy McKeon has recently been brainwashed/influenced by Lisa Whelchel during the FOL DVD promotions. Heck, they even live close by each other now where they can visit each other everyday if they wanted to. Plus, Nancy could always live comfortably off of her husband Marc's paychecks.


Seriously? Give it a rest. Nancy lives part time in Texas because that is where her husband and his family is from. It has nothing to do with Lisa.

Nancy also can still live off her own paychecks. I'm sure she still has an income even if you aren't seeing her on your tv screen constantly. She does record her voice for audiobooks and other things like that, so it's not like she's doing nothing.

Besides the DVD promotions were for like two days at most. You really honestly think she was brainwashed in two days--two days that were mostly spent running from interview to interview.

But I'm done with this conversation.


Good, then! Let some other people have an input into this one! And, btw, what audio-books and others like it has Nancy recorded her voice for?
