MovieChat Forums > Michael Paré Discussion > What happened to Michael Paré? He was po...

What happened to Michael Paré? He was poised to be the next James Dean just like Brendan Fraser

Streets of Fire bombed - While it didn’t damage Diane Lane’s career, it may have wrecked Pare’s. It was a high profile leading role, and it just didn’t do that well. If it had, then Pare would have been a bigger star in the 1980s and even now.

The Philadelphia Experiment bombed - Again, another chance for him to shine and it didn’t happen.

Eddie and The Cruisers #1 did well. Eddie and The Cruisers #2 bombed - Pare could have made a slight “comeback” if the second film did well. It didn’t.

Starhunter was never a hit in the United States - If the sci fi television series Starhunter (featuring Pare) had been a major success, he would have become better known. It wasn’t.

He’s been taking dozens of roles in what is essentially schlock - While there were some “gems” in the mix (Bone Tomahawk, The Infiltrator, etc) most of his films in the last 25 years have been varying degrees of terrible. Although he has been working steadily as an actor, he missed the “star” train along time ago.


His quotes on IMDB are insightful


Hey i didn't know he worked with David Lynch, He shot some scenes for Inland Empire that were cut.


I liked his roles in Eddie and the Cruisers and Streets of Fire. He just kind of disappeared.


Was just wondering the same and I think I have an answer. Hes not a very good actor and lacks charisma. Hes a serviceable actor and I never didnt like him he just isnt superstar/leading man material. Its seems hes found his niche in supporting role work and has become a thriving working actor. Its like a lot of other “where have they gone” types you think have disappeared only to look them up and find their body of work is substantial in quantity but not really in the “mainstream.”
