MovieChat Forums > kwestmo

kwestmo (4272)


Show cancelled because of high production costs? are photos of her on the internet? Where are the riots that the media predicted? what is the point of making Porthos bisexual? No reflection in mirror This was really bad. This Burl Ives' movie this show is painful. got his start on Unsolved Mysteries View all posts >


Why are you debating with morons/trolls? Well, I was quoting Alfred Hitchcock. Richard Gere didn't beat up Andy Garcia. Dennis Peck beat up Raymond Avilla. Different situation entirely. It's only a movie. "it’s ridiculous for right-wingers to lose their minds over a woman POC." We agree on that. The rest you are over-stating. If you did actual research, you would know that at the time, the AA community complained because AAs were not represented in the original SW cast. Billy Dee Williams was cast because of these complaints. Also, the villain, Jabba, is brown. Not that progressive. I doubt that. You must not live in the USA. yes When did Lear become famous? 70's? Others, for sure. View all replies >