MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Rightwing Star Wars “fans” are not true ...

Rightwing Star Wars “fans” are not true fans

As expected, the fake rightwing “fans” of Star Wars are complaining about a black woman villain. And that is what they focus on.

Understand this. Star Wars has always been a progressive franchise. It’s about a group of rebels fighting a fascist Empire. Even the casting of Leia and, later, of Lando, was about progressive inclusion. There is nothing wrong with casting a POC and woman as Reva. So far, this character is doing her job well.

This franchise is not for rightwingers and their usual bigotry.

So, the rightwing “fans” should just leave this board. You are not true fans and you don’t belong here.


I have nothing against a black female villain. Just not a fan of the actress.


It doesn't matter somehow the racist bigot original poster will tell you that you are a racist.


I'm right wing- I could care less about Finn being black. I could care less about Reva being black. No bigotry from me. Stop being a racist and stereotyping people just because they don't share your political beliefs.


Rightwingers are the racist and have shown it in this board. If you don’t know that, you need to STFU.


You are overly hostile, easily triggered and a racist.


You are the racist. You have to be to be a rightwinger.


Please seek help for your TDS, and your racism problems.


Saying I am the racist won’t make it so. You are the rightwinger, you are the racist.

I would say you get some brains and empathy, but you are a Trump supporter. You are are racist and have no empathy or brains.


I'm right wing, and I thought Finn was a great character in force awakens. Everything I've heard indicates thaat Reva is shit.


Well according to the racist who started this thread you are a racist and you are evil, and you should be eliminated from society... nice guy right?


THe hate they put out there, is breattaking in it's purity.


It's sad because it doesn't have to be that way. People have lost the ability to allow others to have a different opinion. Their belief is that if everyone doesn't share in group think then they are evil. In all honesty THAT type of thought (or lack thereof is) some of THE evilest rhetoric imaginable.


Hating on a character just because their black is not an opinion we will respect. Now go away. You don’t belong here.


Okay fascist. You have made your overlords proud.


You guys are the ones hating on Reva because she’s black. To be a rightwing, hate is a prerequisite.


Your pretense that our problem with her is her skin color is you being a dick.


he/she/it has been programed well. The fascism is strong with this one.


The rightwingers have said they hate her for being black.

At least the earlier ones saw the episodes.

You didn’t even watch it. So, you are an even bigger racist and a moron.


No, they didn't. That is your spin on this issue. you are putting words in their mouth(s).


I posted the link to the thread at the beginning. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain.


Said the man who did not cut and paste them saying it. Becuse they never actually said it.

He just "knows" what htey are thinking.

So, you lied when you said that they "SAID IT". btw.


Not eliminated from society. Just from Star Wars boards. Rightwingers and Star Wars don’t belong. Go to Stormfront or Daily Wire with the rest of the racist.


Spoken like the true fascist that you are. Your furor would be proud that you have been programed so well.


Yeah, yeah. Fuck you. You rightwingers love your gaslighting. Now get the fuck out.


You have such an eloquent grasp of the English vernacular.


Which shows you only parrot what other people say. You are incapable of forming your own opinion on something. You need your opinion fed to you.


Except it doesn't show that. Not even a little.


Yeah it does actually. Why should someone take you as good faith when you complain about things before even seeing them?


Because I am clearly forthright and honest.

It is possible that you are so dishonest that you have damaged your ability to see good in other people.

But if so, that is still a YOU problem, not a me problem.

Have you ever tried to be a better person?


Lol when you are judging something before seeing it? No that's not honest in the slightest bit. That destroys your credibility.

You ever thought about getting help? Why judge something before seeing it?


Everyone that consumers any entertainment, "judges something before seeing it" as part of the process of deciding what to see.

Or are you going to pretend you blinding just watch random shows, and then decide which ones you like?

The way you leftards are CONSTANTLY pretending that normal human thinking is "problamatic" to justify your shit talk, is disgusting.


Nope they decide if they want to see it or not. That is different from calling a film good or bad before seeing it.

You call films good or bad before you even see them. Which is why you aren't dirty trusting. You are a dishonest dipshit. Get off this website!


I am giving my opinion on the show. My honest opinion. Your faggoty whining is making you look like a retard.


And you also judge movies and shows before seeing them. You call them bad before seeing them. This is not surprising though. After all you think your opinion on a film is a fact. Someone that dumb doesn't know the difference between subjective and objective.


1. How many times do you see a trailer and dismiss a movie or a tv show as garbage? Your pretense that this is not normal behavior is you being a troll boi.

2. You are the one that seems confused about the distinction between fact and subjective opinon.


Dismissing it is different from calling it bad dipshit. A critic has to watch the movie in order to tell you if it's good or bad. Plenty of films have looked good and ended up bad and vice verse.

Nope. I'm not the one who claimed a well received film which was financially successful to be objectively bad. That was you. Black panther by every measurement is not considered a bad film by the majority.


1, When you do that, you have judged it. You are being stupid, to defend your shitty beahvior.

2. Interesting. THere is NOTHING about a film being liked, or making money that means it could not still be a bad film. Hell, McDonalds is hte biggest restaurant chain in the world. By your logic, that means one cannot complain about the food they get there, because it is so successful. LOL. You lefties say the dumbest shit.


Nope. There are plenty of films I don't have interest in seeing. I wouldn't comment on their quality unless I had seen them. You comment on quality before seeing it.

Except... It isn't just financially successful..Jurassic world movies get terrible reception but make loads of money. Black panther got good reception not only by critics but the mass majority of people as well. It passed every test of measurement. See that's the difference. There are plenty of movies I dislike that passed that test as well. You disliking it does not mean it's objectively bad.


1. You might not comment, but you did judge.

Did you see Sharknado?

2. Correct. My disliking it, does NOT mean that it is objectively bad. It is objectively bad because it has a crappy plot, crappy characters, and bad action.

My dislike is subjective. But we can discuss obectively the deep, deep flaws in teh plot and characters...and action. But mostly plot and characters.


Like I said you are judging it's quality before watching it. You are calling it bad before watching it. I don't do that. You do. I judge if I want to see it or not, not judge it's quality before seeing it.

Your opinion. I think it's well written and the action is fine. See how I don't have to agree with you?



2. People deny objective facts all the time. They can be wrong, they can be liars, they can be stupid. Any or all can explain your behavior. With all due respect.


Why is that question relevant?

Correct. However people are allowed to have different views on films. Films are made up of many things. Acting, writing, directing, cinematography, editing, costume design, set design, music, sound, choreography etc. You act as if someone needs to go through you first in order to have an opinion on a film. As it stands the majority of people don't consider Black Panther a bad film. It passed the measurement test. Even if you want to say it isn't as good as people say you can but to say bad? No can't say that. Now I can claim something like last Airbender to be bad and a failure. It fails every measurement test. Black panther doesn't. Also you aren't to be trusted either. You call films to be bad without even watching them.

Watch your boy critical drinker. Since you are incapable of forming your own opinion. That's the type of grifting a feeble mind like yours needs.


You have a profound misunderstanding of what it means to be right wing.

For starters, the conservative/right wing/Republican party has always been the party that opposed racism. The Republican party came into existence in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. Republican president Lincoln freed the slaves. 100 years later, in the 1950s, Republicans fought for a civil rights bill, which the Democrats filibustered and ultimately voted down. In 1964, the next Republican civil rights bill was passed, despite Democrats voting against it. To this day, the American right wing remains the party opposed to racism, while the left sees non-whites as groups of second-class citizens who only exist to be exploited for votes.

As for a fight against fascism, well, think it through? On the scale of left to right, where does fascism lie? To the far left. The extreme end of the right side is anarchy, and a total lack of government. On the far left you have socialism, communism, and fascism, the three versions of total governmental control

The rebels fighting against the fascist empire are the right wingers. They are the ones pushing for freedom, and an end to governmental tyranny and oppressive bureaucracy.


In the 1960s Republicans became the party of white supremacy. It’s called the “southern strategy”. For the last 50 years, white supremacist groups has endorsed the GOP.

Fascism is on the far right. Anarchy is more to the left.

The rebels are leftwing. Lucas himself said they represented the Vietcong.


The party of white supremacy? Fascism on the far right? You're free to believe what you want, but what you write has no connection to reality.

What are right wing beliefs? Individual freedom, and minimal governmental intervention in anyone's lives. The leanest, least intrusive government possible, with the extreme version being complete anarchy. What is fascism? Total governmental control, and a complete lack of individual freedoms. How you can equate those two is beyond me.


For over the last 50 years White Supremacist have supported the GOP. That hasn’t been disputed by you. In 2016, the KKK endorsed Donald Trump. And former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed Donald Trump in 2020.

So, it is an absolute fact that the GOP is supported by White Supremacists.

Rightwingers support police authority (even their abusive, racist practices), they supported and created the Patriot Act, which took away our freedoms. They supported overseas intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. They want to bad abortion, which interferes in people’s lives.

So, no, they don’t support less government. They only support less taxes for the rich.


White supremacists are the boogeyman nowadays, aren't they? Have you ever met any? I haven't. There aren't very many of them, but whenever a politician needs shaming, it's suddenly easy to get a bunch of guys together with swastika-covered signs saying "White Power" and "Vote for Trump!" or whoever the current villain is. Do you really fall far that? Do you honestly believe more than a handful of people believe that, let alone publicly stand with a sign? And if you do, do you really think they aren't aware that their support is going to drive voters away? Meanwhile, how much MORE likely is it that the guy holding that sign hates Trump, and is posing with the sign to discredit him? Think things through before you believe what the government/media/your TV tell you.

So no, it is not an absolute fact that white supremacists support the GOP. Who knows who or what they support? They are a tiny, tiny fringe percentage of the population, and obviously lunatics. They most likely support someone with their own beliefs, which I've never heard any Republican espouse.


We know who they support. They support the GOP and Donald Trump.

That’s an absolute, undisputed, well-documented fact.

I am sorry your party is racist. But that’s true.


It's not my party, but I've never encountered anyone or anything racist in connection with the Republican party. It's a myth perpetuated by the Democrats, because lately the easiest way to vilify an opponent is to announce that they're racists.


If you did actual research, you would know that at the time, the AA community complained because AAs were not represented in the original SW cast. Billy Dee Williams
was cast because of these complaints. Also, the villain, Jabba, is brown. Not that progressive.


I did my research and know all of this.

Star Wars was progressive for its time. It was the 1970s. Sure, there was a lack of black people. But it was still very progressive with the things I mentioned.

Eitherway, it’s ridiculous for rightwingers to lose their minds over a woman POC.


We rightwingers are of course, NOT "losing our minds over a woman POC".


It was two years ago when the series premiered. I posted a link earlier in this topic.


A link? I recall when the series premired. We were not "losing our minds over a woman poc".

The complaints were... not that.


Yes they were.


No, we weren't.

That is just what lefties who support the injection of lefty propaganda into entertainment, say, when they support the propaganda, but know that they cannot DEFEND their propaganda, not honestly.

It's a rhetorical tactic called LYING. It can also be called race baiting or divisive.


You are only saying this because you are a racist.


And that is all you have. Crying "Racist" like a retarded monkey.

Have teh balls to admit that you support what you support, ie hard left propaganda being shoved into everything, so that you can brainwash the weak willed.

Lying makes you look like you are afraid of us.


I have no sympathy for you. You race bait yourself.


Grift. You are a leftard troll, you support race baiting, so go fuck yourself.


Nope I only called one person racist on here and it was based on fact. You have cried about racism repeatedly on here. Basically you are allowed to play the race card but no one else can. If you can't take it don't dish it.


Irrelevant. YOur failure to address what I said is typical of your trolling.


So are you denying any race comments were made about the black actress in obi wan?


I'm denying that right wing fans, as a group, were upset solely because of the presence of a woman of color.

Indeed, I will go further and state that only a piece of shit race baiter would claim that that was the case.

Such race baiters are pieces of shit.


You deny it because you yourself are right wing. Therefore you will look past something they do. So if someone provides proof of them doing that you going to deny it?

You won't even look at evidence I bet.


I'm denying it, because it's NOT TRUE.


I'm supposed to take your word for it? A known partisan boot licking idiot? Sorry I don't trust any claim you make.


Well, yes you should take my word for it, I am a member of the group in question and can speak for it, on this issue.

If you have a REASON to think that I am wrong, then MAKE YOUR CASE, if you can.

Support the idea that right wing star wars fans, AS A GROUP, were unhappy, just because, "black woman".

Good luck with that. I assume that you will be taking a few quotes out of context... no, actually I assume that you will just spout some shit talk and... deflect.


I don't trust you to be honest about what your group does. Also you don't speak for the entire group.

You asking me to prove my claim is you playing troll boi games. Sound familiar?


1. Except in this, I can speak for the group. It is an easy call. I heard our voices at the time, I remember them, and I can speak based on what we as a group had to say. If it was something more nuanced, or something that I... didn't hear a lot about or was not part of, then I would NOT speak for the group. But on this, I can.

2. But it's not. I'm serious about my challenge. I don't think you can do it, and I think you trying and failing would reveal the Truth of the situation.

Troll bois, like yourself, just talk shit, to talk shit, either because they enjoy being assholes, or because they want to shut down discussion and avoid the truth.

My intentions are the complete opposite of that.

I have no desire to be an asshole to you. If you answered seriously and honestly and, heehee, CIVILY, I would respond the same way and would be quite pleased with that.


Yeah I don't believe you.

Again I don't believe you.

Yeah no. I am not buying that. I think you are a liar.




Let's see how you handle proof I provided you on another topic. If you handle it well I will then know you are genuine and reasonable. We will see.


Dude. You are dismissing everyting I say. Go fuck youself.


Nope I just provided proof proving you wrong. Put that in your pipe and smoke it bitch!


Your proof is based on dismissing everything you don't like to hear.

You are a self deluded fool. And an asshole.


Nope bullshit. You just can't take being wrong.


Dude. YOu're just dismissing everything I say. Why are you even responding to me at this point?


"it’s ridiculous for right-wingers to lose their minds over a woman POC." We agree on that. The rest you are over-stating.


Star Wars was progressive? Then why do you woketards cry about Leia's bikini, and about lack of people of color? Why do you woketards cry about Boba Fett's ship being called SLAVE 1? You never liked Star Wars, you hate Star Wars, so go infiltrate some other fandom.


We don't care that she's black.

Why are the leftist idiots always playing the race card in defense of poorly written and played characters when those happen to be black?


Because they are vile assholes.
