MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Rhys Meyers Discussion > Will be 2016 a better year for him as an...

Will be 2016 a better year for him as an actor?

In recent years it has been quiet around JRM! The last projects were not very successful, so I hope that 2016 will become a better year for Jonathan!

Let's see:

Since Albert Nobbs from 2012 he had no bigger success!

"Belle du Seigneur" was shown only in France and Russia? Not avaible on DVD as well!

"The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones": was a flop.

"Another Me": Little role, the movie was a flop.

"Dracula" also not a success, it was over after one season!

"Stonewall" after a few insane Tranies insits that it was whitewashed and the story is wrong because (of course) the Tranies did all, many critics and even the LBGT people were influenced by these lunatics! Preconceptions? No, we do not! It was shown just in a few cinemas, I guess, after all what happened, Emmerich slowed it down. Now I unterstand why so many people in the business avoids it to do more LBGT movies! Sorry for Emmerich and the team!

This year JRM has 6 projects! 1 project is finished and ready for the screen, 3 in post-production and 2 in pre-production.

Roots is a mini-series and it was done in 1977 and was successful, so this is a remake! Well, remakes are often not a great success, but let us hope.

Damascus-cover is the movie-version of a great book. Spy-story, hm, Independent-movie and I guess not the big box Office hit.

Shadow: It's a thriller from the States, many unknown actors in it. Also Independent-movie.

London-town: Drama, about the Clash, maybe also not something for a box-Office-hit, the cast has also a few bigger names!

"Shambhala" is in pre-production and I'm not even sure, if JRM will do that.

The Rising: 1916: Irish-history, sounds interesting, I hope that will turn out into a great movie!

JRM has a lot of work, but for me it looks like all more Independent-movies and no bigger hits. What do you think? He needs something bigger, which brings him back into the mind of the people. He needs a success!


Well, at least there is one project that is going to make it to screen near you...albeit a small(er) one. Don't know if there's a clamor for a Roots remake, whatever the case, I hope it will be good. The production value in the trailer looks very good.
