MovieChat Forums > Geoffrey Rush Discussion > A SPIN-OFF WITH BARBOSSA?


What do you all think of a spin-off film just with Barbossa? He went from main villain to anti-hero and while is clearly hard to pull a POTC without Jack Sparrow ( specially when he is Jack´s Nemesis and vice-versa ) that would be really cool.

By the way, after all the megalomaniac production of POTC 2 and 3 and while the movie is damn fun there seems to be a downgrade in terms of production values, I mean, a 150 million dolars movie is minimun or less than a blockbuster costs nowadays and Johnny Depp must be probably ( thanks to Jack Sparrow ) one of the best payed actors for only this role (even if he can get quiet "cheaper" in more independent productions and movies from his pal Tim Burton )...but compare dwith 2 and 3 it looks like a "cheap" movie with really no spectacular special effects ( something that all other movies were nominated for ). I would say that a return to the franchise after the extended 1 film/2 episodes would cost something like 300 million dolars, not the half of that.


True, but he's welcome to jump on mine!

