Such a shame...

I really liked him growing up. It seems his turn and religious phase is possibly to mentally deal with the horrible things that happened to him :s


"his turn"

That sounds like something a Scientologist might say when a former member deserts the cult. Makes sense that a leftist would use such a phrase to refer to someone who had become moderate or conservative.


LOl the cuckservatives trying to act like everyone else are the blind religious followers. good job...... you are pathetic


no its clear hes the religious fanatic and please never again try and push your own faith based nonsense on me

gotta love his insane christian movies turn. the worst ive seen is "gods not dead" where he plays a joke of a "philosophy teacher".

in the film all atheists are either
-selfish and down care their parent has alzeihmers

most christians are

Oh and it finally insults your intelligence by all the atheists not being actual atheists who just dont believe or dont know. no they re all actually believers just "mad at god" for some event in their life..

of course anyone who calls out this "turn" is just like a scientologist right? you still made you couldn't provide proof of Jesus and your faith and I embarrassed you?

truly an insult to every thinking person.


What "turn"?


He now makes insane chrsitains movies. the worst ive seen is "gods not dead" where he plays a joke of a "philosophy teacher".

in the film all atheists are either
-selfish and down care their parent has alzeihmers

most christians are

Oh and it finally insults your intelligence by all the atheists not being actual atheists who just dont believe or dont know. no they re all actually believers just "mad at god" for some event in their life.

truly an insult to every thinking person.


Yeah, GND is pretty bad.

Sorbo burned a lot of his bridges back in the day. It's a shame because I actually think the dude has a good screen presence.

What's really sad is how he burned his bridges with Rob Tapert. Sorbo could have been in Spartacus or Ash vs Evil Dead had be kept on good terms with him. Those shows are like Herc/Xena reunions and it's sad he will never be a part of one of those shows again.


The crazy thing is I like his acting in GND and other christian films, like as an actor not a character. maybe its my nostalgia glasses on

"What's really sad is how he burned his bridges with Rob Tapert. Sorbo could have been in Spartacus or Ash vs Evil Dead had be kept on good terms with him. Those shows are like Herc/Xena reunions and it's sad he will never be a part of one of those shows again."

what cause he said he was difficult to work with? I mean like is aid I cant really blame Sorbo. the dude was raped or whatever happened sexually assaulted. Some people can deal with it easily, some people go crazy, some people find religion. Hes just leaned into it way way too hard it seems..


He was resentful of the success of Xena and he said some pretty mean things about Lucy Lawless in the press. Since Lucy is Tapert's husband, I'm pretty sure Sorbo burned that bridge.

That said, I really think the stroke he had while he was doing Hercules has had a lingering effect on his mental health. Just my theory.


"He was resentful of the success of Xena and he said some pretty mean things about Lucy Lawless in the press. Since Lucy is Tapert's husband, I'm pretty sure Sorbo burned that bridge."

id never heard of this

"That said, I really think the stroke he had while he was doing Hercules has had a lingering effect on his mental health. Just my theory."

or this wtf. He doesnt seem like a bad person and cant say hes had a "horrible" life. but does seem to have gone through some shit and its messed with him. facing mortality, mental issues ect prob led him turning to god


And what's wrong with him turning to God?


read my post 5 above the about his appearance in gods not dead.

besides this there are plenty of issues with self deluding and relying on an unproven imaginary friend


Yeah Christian movies are pretty bad. I was hoping with him in the religious movies there would be some improvement. However, KS was never really Mel Gibson. He's also never been in a "Breaking Bad" or a "Sopranos" quality TV show. I guess I shouldn't expect too much.

As for there being issues on relaying on an "unproven imaginary friend," I would disagree. I have seen a lot of people turn their life around by following Christianity, myself included.


"yeah Christian movies are pretty bad. I was hoping with him in the religious movies there would be some improvement. However, KS was never really Mel Gibson. He's also never been in a "Breaking Bad" or a "Sopranos" quality TV show. I guess I shouldn't expect too much."

agreed I didn't have high expectations. but his movies are really bad|

"As for there being issues on relaying on an "unproven imaginary friend," I would disagree. I have seen a lot of people turn their life around by following Christianity, myself included."

and? so have muslims, and athletics, and buddhists, and agnostics etc etc. this proves literally nothing.

sorry but you have no good evidence for you beliefs. you have feeling sand faith. which is useless. Faith can bring you equally to a true or false conclusion. it has no actual explanatory power or ability to get you to truth.

I can have faith universe farting pixies created the universe. doesnt make it true


sorry but you have no good evidence for you beliefs. you have feeling sand faith. which is useless. Faith can bring you equally to a true or false conclusion. it has no actual explanatory power or ability to get you to truth. my case, I do have my reasons for believing in Jesus and God. I have experienced supernatural events. I've witnessed a miracle, done in his name. Though, I don't think you'd believe me if I told you what they were. As for proof outside my anecdotal experience, I suggest you look into biblical prophesies. They're quite interesting.


It's painful to see him in all those terrible movies.
