Top 3 films?

1. Solaris
2. Stalker
3. The Mirror


1. Stalker
2. Solaris
3. Nostalghia


1. Stalker (come on if you want to bring up Tarkovsky in a conversation, then its the guy who made Stalker, and only after that he's the guy who also made Solaris)

phewww. now it gets difficult. there are some that definitely rank at the bottom of the list for me. Mirror for example. maybe Mirror is far better than I remember it because everyone praises it. I was not phased by it, but I'm planning to watch it again.

2) Solaris would most commonly be on rank 2. There's some cheating involved, it mostly gets rank 2 because the girl is so cute.
3) But it could also be Andrei Rublev. Its actually an impressive movie, gets little praise only even among Tarkovsky fans. I guess the silly intro is very unlucky because it really makes you want to turn it off. After that you're good to go for a 3 hours ride in some sadness with a long pun about suffering, aspiration and beauty or something.


My ranking of his films changes on an almost daily basis. But I also always seem to have Stalker in the top 1 or 2 slot.

After that it's normally Mirror or Solaris. Recently I've been reminded how amazing Ivan's childhood is too.

Nostalgia and Andrei Rublev, although both great are normally down the order a bit.

I've never seen The Sacrifice sadly.


The Sacrifice is pretty good... maybe my #4?


How out there are his later films? Mirror was almost unwatchable for me.


If you don't like Mirror, the chances of you liking most of his other output is slim.


His previous films are not as plotless.
