
newts (134)


I watched this movie 20 years ago I saw this movie decades ago with friends and I've never been able to find it.. can you? I watched 4 and a half seasons of this. I demand answers. Wtf is this about? This movie is so forgettable I accidentally watched it twice. If you're thinking about wasting 2 hours on this, here's the plot (spoilers, duh) I bet they're still thinking about how to build something on top of the dumpster fire that was Sicario 2 Meh At this point, an obvious russian agent Hitler was black Most annoying screen ratio View all posts >


The Sacrifice is pretty good... maybe my #4? 1. Stalker (come on if you want to bring up Tarkovsky in a conversation, then its the guy who made Stalker, and only after that he's the guy who also made Solaris) phewww. now it gets difficult. there are some that definitely rank at the bottom of the list for me. Mirror for example. maybe Mirror is far better than I remember it because everyone praises it. I was not phased by it, but I'm planning to watch it again. 2) Solaris would most commonly be on rank 2. There's some cheating involved, it mostly gets rank 2 because the girl is so cute. 3) But it could also be Andrei Rublev. Its actually an impressive movie, gets little praise only even among Tarkovsky fans. I guess the silly intro is very unlucky because it really makes you want to turn it off. After that you're good to go for a 3 hours ride in some sadness with a long pun about suffering, aspiration and beauty or something. I absolutely loved it and did not expect that Hollywood could even make movies like this. I soaked the 3 hours up like a sponge with minor interruptions. In total it simply blew me away. To make a minor complaint too: The weird second part with the caretakers/doctors was a letdown, was happy when that passed. literally none Yea, not bad, kept me watching pretty much from start to finish without pausing which is strange because the story is not much more than simplistic solid handicraft maybe it was just easy to follow with ADHD lol if you're a friend of the genre/topic + Liam Neeson then it gets elevated to a 7 there's not a lot of drama, no humor but more than Neeson, my favorite character was the IRA girl's sumptuous hair Maybe youre right, but if it was a normal mom, then there wouldnt be a movie. She actually reminded me of the mother of some Jehova's Witnesses family around here, I went to school with her daughters. They didnt develop psychic powers though, just enormous weight problems and then started sucking everyone's dick for free. I dont understand why people have such trouble connecting both halves. Both parts are about losing your individuality (and some would say, humanity, but I dont think mercy-killing an enemy sniper is really such an inhumane bad act?) to become part of something bigger. Dont understand why people say the movie should end after the boot camp. This movie is literally spelt out from start to finish and follows the same quite direct plot. I love the ending. The mickey mouse song, I believe, expresses a degree of carelessness of the soldiers what they're even fighting for, as long as they strip off their human fears and worries about a world full of shit. I mean, I'm just paraphrasing here, in slightly different words, what Joker literally says anyway, thinking that maybe it helps answering your question from 7 years ago. I dont quite understand what people would only watch the bootcamp sequence for. There's a little sideplot with Private Paula, I always had the impression that he was initially very happy to join the army. With his slight mental retardation he may have been an outcast in school etc and thought he'd finally join a group where everyone is equal. But then finds out he still doesnt fit in and offs himself out of disappointment and anger. So... that's kind of the opposite.. of the happy people.. at the end.. Thats what I interprete into the movie. Its not super deep.. it is what it is. On that "inhumane" part: In my opinion the most inhumane thing that I remember from the movie (been a while) is not the allegedly very symbolic killing of the sniper. She was going to die anyway... didnt sound like a medic was around etc, so I dont get the big deal there. Maybe someone else can explain why that was supposedly so inhumane but in my opinion they... kindly did the needful lol. I guess the most inhuman thing around in the movie was incorporated as Animal Mother who is very raw/brutish in his speech, sits next to a corpse of his enemy and carries a very big gun. He's kinda cartoonishly "bad". And that's the type of person Pvt. Joker walks in line with at the end. So if I were looking for some kind of proof about Joker's.... spiritual "downfall" or something like that, that is the course I could agree with. I don't think he'll ever turn into a complete dumb brute though. He's just walking in line because that's comforting. The Vietnamese of course!! I'll have to watch this to find out :D Nope, everyone in postman is really polite View all replies >