MovieChat Forums > Billy Dee Williams Discussion > Says He Is Not Gender Fluid After Reveal...

Says He Is Not Gender Fluid After Revealing He Feels Feminine and Masculine

Surprise! Old guy had no idea what the fuck Gender Fluid meant. But he can quote Carl G. Jung.

The Star Wars actor, 82, clarified comments he made to Esquire in which he said he sees himself “as feminine as well as masculine.”

His remarks were reported as Williams identifying as gender fluid, but he revealed to The Undefeated, in an interview published on Wednesday, that he had no clue what the term meant.

“Well, first of all, I asked last night. I said, ‘What the hell is gender fluid?’ That’s a whole new term,” Williams said. As for his comments to Esquire, he said he was misunderstood.

“But what I was talking about was about men getting in touch with their softer side of themselves,” the actor said. “There’s a phrase that was coined by Carl G. Jung, who was a psychiatrist, who was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, and they had a splitting of the ways because they had different ideas about the… what do you call it? Consciousness. Unconscious. It’s a collective consciousness.”

Williams continued, “But he coined a phrase that’s ‘Anima animus.’ And anima means that is the female counterpart of the male self and the animus is the male counterpart of the female.”

“So that’s what I was referring to,” he added. “I was talking about men getting in touch with the female side of themselves. I wasn’t talking about sex, I wasn’t talking about gay or straight. I’m not gay — by any stretch of the imagination. Not that I have anything against gay people. But personally? Not gay.”


In a nutshell, he said something reasonable (many people have many psychological features typical from the opposite gender). And then the fakestream media rewrote it as 'he said he's gender fluid'.





About what I suspected early on. Degenerate Hollyweird media manipulating a very old school cat into saying something they could deliberately take out of context and run with it to push their screwed up agenda. Fake news, propaganda, bullsh*t.
