MovieChat Forums > Oprah Winfrey Discussion > When did you realise she was evil?

When did you realise she was evil?

My first inkling was when she didn't mention Michael Jackson's passing. He didn't make her career, but he certainly established her as the number 1 television personality by giving her the 1993 exclusive interview, which was broadcast all around the world, opening her show up to new markets also as her fame grew.

She did a reflection episode on Michael when the fans demanded one, and it turned out to be her just talking about what a big scoop she had gotten.

She is a journalist, and views things in those ways.

But then she interviewed Katherine Jackson and the kids. And again, she talked about it as a 'scoop'. She is like a vulture, wanting to get information.

But what really took the cake was when I heard that Prince had a son who died but wanted to go ahead with his Oprah interview only a week or two afterwards. She played along with him saying everything was fine, but she went after his wife by saying "he says he wants to have 10 kids. What do you think?" and things of that nature. She was obviously trying to get her to break. Who goes after a woman who just lost her first child?

Then this whole 'leaving neverland' interview she did with the accusers. You can think Michael was guilty as sin all you want, but it was really uncalled for given that Michael had really helped her career and she was the first to interview his mourning children. She puts the knife in and then she turns it!

Oh, and the hypocrisy of going after Michael while being silent on her buddy Harvey Weinstein. Did she know he was a rapist? If she did, and she didn't care, what does that say about her morality?


Not sure about evil but when I heard she purchased original slave manifestos for $250,000 to hang on her wall, I knew she was someone who was consumed with hate.

This is just not something any normal person would do.

The only members of the black community who are truly free are those who see themselves as individuals. Oprah may be rich but mentally she’s still in shackles made of hate.


The only members of the black community who are truly free are those who see themselves as individuals. Oprah may be rich but mentally she’s still in shackles made of hate.

There's nothing funnier than reading what some angry white troll defining what a black person is or isn't.


No independent thought. Nothing of substance. And we have another lemming. Ttfn


I was just thinking the same.


I never thought of Oprah as evil....more of a sellout! She claimed to be the champion of women’s rights but dropped her support of Hillary for Obama. Really?


Hilary was an establishment politician with accusations of her hiring goons to intimidate Bills sexual harrassment victims. Does that sound like a candidate Oprah should have endorsed?

Regarding Obama, I heard he didn't appreciate her calling and stopped returning her calls...I have to wonder what Intel he had on her.


When I found out she trafficked destitute wanna-be starlets for predatory movie-moguls


That picture needs a doodle with devil horns and a tail added!




When she can sit back and allow this in society:

Imagine Gestapo taking your possessions to throw in the trash, and telling you that you don't have the right to live and breath - in this country. And this is the power of one person on city council with a hostility towards homeless people.

Please don't be so negligent to the least of these in society. And please don't promote or endorse those who are.
