MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > Who elected him spokesperson of the nerd...

Who elected him spokesperson of the nerds?

It just seems like everyone goes to him for their Star Wars, Star Trek, comics, video game information and opinions and it's like...why? I don't get who made him the voice of the fans of those various things. I certainly don't care what he has to say about Star Wars. I am a huge fan of Star Wars, collected all the toys, played all the games, read the books, probably know more characters and ships than he does, so I don't really need him speaking for me and the rest of the Star Wars fans.

Does anyone else get that vibe, that he sees himself as king of the nerds or something? It certainly feels that way.

I don't hate this guy btw, so this is not a trollish post. I enjoy Jay and Silent Bob, Dogma, and Clerks, but something just irks me about that. It's like he's always got to comment on something Star Wars, or Batman, or whatever, and critique it and act like he's the know it all or something. Does anyone else get that?


He never was, and he managed to alienate all the He-Man fans with his crappy cartoon that came out a year or two ago.


When he first appeared he was making films based around the comic book type nerds and misfits. Over time though he just became boring and his films became worse.

Like a lot of celebs they tend to coast on their laurels for as long as they can.

It probably doesn’t help that he is one of the few celebs who really is into geekdom as opposed to just playing a role or making films within that genre.
