This guy stole ideas

You thought Black Swan is a great movie?
Well, see the movie Perfect Blue and you'll see that Black Swan is a total rip-off of this movie. Of course he never mentioned how he outright stole a lot of scenes.

The proof is here:


Didn't he buy the rights to Perfect Blue or some scene from it? I think that's proof enough that Black Swan was "inspired" by Perfect Blue. When I first watched the trailer for Black Swan without knowing anything about it (the director, story, etc) Perfect Blue instantly came to my mind. I don;t believe he's ever gone on record to say Perfect Blue inspired Black Swan, which is a shame. Personally I'm not bothered by it because I thought Black Swan was a fantastic film in it's own right.


He bought the rights to Perfect Blue to film a scene in Requiem for a Dream.


Black Swan follows the ballet more, albeit loosely.

Nicholas Cage Deadfall
2014 Rankings:


so let me get this straight.... You copy the entire premise of this thread from a youtube video you saw, but are now acting all indignant that Aronofsky took someone else's ideas? Weird.


You copy the entire premise of this thread from a youtube video you saw, but are now acting all indignant that Aronofsky took someone else's ideas?

What a stupid argument. The OP didn't copy any premise; it's not copying anything to post a reference to something to back one's arguments up. I guess you have no defense for Aranofsky, which is why you had to resort to such a ridiculous comment.


His comment is valid, not ridiculous, because it shows the OP is being hypocritical, which is relevant to the discussion.



The original poster is not being hypocritical.


There's a difference between copying another movie and making a post on the internet that's the same or even reiterating another post on the internet.
