This guy stole ideas

You thought Black Swan is a great movie?
Well, see the movie Perfect Blue and you'll see that Black Swan is a total rip-off of this movie. Of course he never mentioned how he outright stole a lot of scenes.

The proof is here:


Come on, now. It's a terrible argument.
OP used a youtube video as reference, he linked it himself.
He is accusing Aronofsky of plagiarism, which is a completely different thing.
OP made an argument and supplied a source, he didn't steal an idea without giving credit to the original (which is what he's accusing Aronofsky of doing). So the comparison makes no sense.
Furthermore, a comment on IMDB is not something for which people give you artistic merit, like a movie. So the comparison between OP's comment and Aronofsky's movie is just pointless.
I'm not hating on the director, but people should address the actual points raised by OP and the video instead of making up twisted stuff like this to undermine OP's credibility.
OP is perfectly consistent.
