MovieChat Forums > Lucy Lawless Discussion > She charges fans $150 to take a picture

She charges fans $150 to take a picture

She already gets paid big bucks to appear at fan conventions, yet she bilks her fans at $150 a pop to take her picture. Pretty low.


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The convention runners set the price, Not her!

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Oh I see, she is just a helpless victim, powerless to do anything about it.


Yep, I agree. Actors can easily say, "Nope, no charge." I used to go to conventions. If an actor tried to charge for a picture or an autograph, I skipped their station.


The convention owners do NOT set the price. I have met and talked with many actors and they are negotiated by agents and can dictate their own terms.

Giancarlo Espisito, from Braking Bad, told my 15 year old son he'd meet him off to the side in a few minutes for photo opp.

We spend at least 15 minutes talking and took at least 5 images. Even Gus poses.

It all depends on the actor. Do they like the fans or just need them?


The "convention owners" take a cut of every actor's fee. If a star like Lucy or Bill Shatner, etc. command more than a bit player in a tv series than so be it. Either you want it or you don't.


People sell autographs and photos on eBay. Some celebrities charge the going rate so to prevent people from making money off them. Often, they donate the cash. But not always. You could ask if they give the fee to charity next time and find out for sure.
