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Lucy Tweets About a Call To Re-invigorate the Xena Brand

So Lucy tweeted about receiving a call from someone whom wants to re-invigorate the Xena brand:

Had an interesting call from a chap who wants to re-invigorate the #Xena brand. You guys may have started something.

Though there's a lot red tape and may come back in a different form:
But there's a lot of red tape around #XWP so don't get your knickers in a twist. It may come back in a different form.


Hey, why NOT bring them back for a movie? It's time for women to star in action movies instead of being the eye candy subordinate character.

I can name an easy 45 male actors who are 5-25 years older than Lucy and still starring in action movies. Heck, Universal Pictures (who is entangled in the dispute over the rights of XWP) is making a new Conan The Barbarian movie with 65yo Arnold Schwarzenegger! He's two DECADES older than Lucy.

Lucy recently tweeted in reply to fans asking what can be done to help get a movie, "I guess we really need to petition Universal." And that's exactly what we've been doing. Fans have been bombarding Universal via social media. Are you guys following the Xena movie campaign? They just crossed 64k on fb and have been putting full-court pressure on Universal Pictures.

Xena Movie Campaign

Xena Movie Petition:

If you think about it, Lucy broke her pelvis and kept on with the show and then did almost an entire season pregnant....she's got this. She's starring in the musical "Chicago" in NZ in November, playing Catherine Zeta-Jones role, so she'll be in great shape. She looks fantastic already! With the technology available today, and the fact that MUCH older male actors are doing it, I don't see any reason why she and Renee can't reprise their roles in a movie.

At Xena Con this year, in the picture line, I asked Zoe Bell if she would still stunt a Xena movie if it came about. She yelled, "Hell Yesss! I'll stunt anything Lucy calls and asks me to do for her."

Lucy was also on a horse again recently, tweeting that she had fallen off and reinvigorated some old battle wounds but was ok. Leaving everyone to wonder, why was she suddenly on a horse? ;) If she ever says "No, I can't do it," that would be it for me. I would respect that, but she hasn't said that. In fact, since con, she's encouraged fans to help Xena win the Half Price Books Tournament of Heroes (which she did win out of 64 other sci-fi/fantasy characters thru 6 brackets and millions of votes), then she started answering fan tweets about a movie, throwing hints, encouraging fans. So I like to think she's up for doing it if Universal will budge. No need to do an animated one yet. Save that for later. Imagine how AWESOME a Xena movie would be on the big screen! Finding a way for her to come back from the afterlife, it would be incredible. After all, do you any studio would ever kill off a male hero and NOT bring them back? No! But Lucy IS Xena and thus, she is really the brand, so I hope they do the right thing and bring her back in the leading role. She may have to wear more clothes or let stunt-doubles do more fights, but the technology is so much better now than it was in NZ that long ago, she'll be fine.

There's also a brand new Twitition for a Xena movie:

Lastly, check out Universal Studios Entertainment's fb page, it's covered with people asking for a Xena movie. Feel free to add your request. :)

Univ Studios Ent fb page - click on posts by others

If you like, join us in communicating with Universal Pics on Twitter @UniversalPics to let them know fans want to see a Xena movie. We're using the hashtag #XenaMovieNow

Xena could help break the curse to bring more iconic female action heroes to the movies.
