It's an Invasion

This guy's supremely punchable face is everywhere. From TV commercials and YouTube ads pitching some phone carrier, to comic book movies and random dramas on Netflix, you can't escape the face of Ryan Reynolds. My friends and I have a running joke where every time he pops up one of us will say "Van fucking Wilder" but enough is enough. He's made his millions and it's time for him to go away.


I know exactly what you mean. His face is annoying.
BUT, I have to say that Mint Mobile is saving me a ton of money on my phone bill.
I really recommend it.


Haha. Is that a direct quote from those ads?


Pacific Bell was nailing me for $60 a month for my mobile phone and limited data.
Mint Mobile is $15 a month and I have never overrun the data cap and I use it all
the time. The ads are annoying and the customer service is not the greatest, but I've never been more delighted by a phone company.


I honestly can't tell if you're quoting an ad and being ironically funny but if not that's cool you're saving money on your phone bills.


I don't think I am quoting an ad but I wouldn't know because I don't listen to many ads, except maybe the first 4-5 seconds.


I don't typically either but after visiting my family's homes during the holidays where they still subscribe to cable I found myself drawn to watching the ones on TV like some hyper magnetic force because they have become so foreign to me.


You want him to go away, but with Deadpool 3 around the corner, you'll be seeing more of him than you ever cared to.. I'm probably the only one who feels that somehow, someway, Disney who owns MARVEL will screw this movie up and I'm still not buying into this movie being a hard R-Rating like the other 2 movies were and owned by FOX at the time too?? It'll be more like a hard PG-13 being passed off as a soft R-Rating is what this will be..


I regretfully acknowledge that you're probably correct. Here's hoping he doesn't overdose everyone on images of his face by pushing out a new generation of ads at the same time Deadpool 3 drops.


Oh trust me, you will be more sick of this man as Deadpool 3 approaches.. There is no escape


Van FUCKING Wilder...


I've never watched Van Wilder.. Is it any good??


I haven't seen it in 20 something years but I remember it being a fairly typical college party comedy from that era, kind of like the movie How High but with less weed and more Ryan Reynolds. If you like movies like Road Trip from that period you might like it.


I was more of a kid from the 70's and 80's, so I don't think it would've appealed to me.. If I wanted to watch a movie with herb in it, it would be a Cheech & Chong movie


Makes sense. For my generation the movie Half Baked filled that role and I wasn't a fan of Van Wilder myself.
