MovieChat Forums > SemiAnimus

SemiAnimus (823)


Rosie O a pos'Donnell Roll House Bill Hicks Connection The Identity of the Killer The Identity of the Killer The Best In-game Narration Ever Why the hatred? Annoying Actor with Limited Range Reminds Me of Jimmy Fallon Good Ellie, Bad Abby View all posts >


He's too busy with lapping up all the news articles Yahoo ejaculates onto his face each day. The Ukraine has published videos highlighting all women brigades and showing senior citizens in combat roles and you think these measures were taken because the state has lost only 31,000 troops since the fighting began? Does being in this stupid club require a sub 70 IQ? I know it's hard for you to resist throwing out your usual no proof slogan because anytime 2020 is mentioned, even without being paired with the word election like the post you responded to here, you spew it out again. It's like the 2020 election is, in the words of your own overused expression, living in your head rent free. Something tells me you're one of those people that is shrugged off as not coming across as coherent because English isn't your first language but in reality you are equally incoherent in your native language. That and you're definitely batshit crazy. Ditto for Frank Black. His personal idiosyncrasies really shined in that role. Hard disagree here. Curtis was a talented singer but his vocal range was highly unusual for a band making radio hits like Joy Division. What you are dismissing as a "karaoke night" voice is more an indication of your lack of appreciation for a vocal range outside of what is present in the vast majority of popular music. I'm a big fan of the first few years of those. I've been putting unagi sauce on just about everything recently. I can't get enough of the stuff. Then there's the always reliable Frank's Red Hot that is currently a close second. Kinders is great. Kinders spicy BBQ sauce is my number one for ribs etc. Ironic post from Keelai, the number one shit stirrer here that has a habit of regularly posting thinly disguised political topics in general discussion. Your pussy postmodern views on animals have no place on a farm, particularly in regards to a dog willing to turn and bite its master on top of being a livestock killer. View all replies >