MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Why is everyone suddenly defending her?

Why is everyone suddenly defending her?

Is everyone forgetting that that she shaved her head and attacked a car with an umbrella? Did they forget she drove a car with her infant child in her lap? Did they forget that she eloped and the marriage lasted for a weekend? She was obviously going through personal issues.


Because people deserve freedom and not to be taken advantage of financially by family members or doctors


But what if she's not healthy enough to take care of herself? Should we allow everyone in a mental institution to walk around the streets freely?


California already does it. There's one guy in my town who runs nearly naked in the streets everyday with his hands clasped shaking and talking to himself.

No doubt she had a break 13 years ago. Do you not think at this point its probably likely her father and doctor are milkin that to keep access to her money?

Again look what happened with Brain Wilson of the Beach Boys


Do you not think at this point its probably likely her father and doctor are milkin that to keep access to her money?

It's possible, but I wouldn't go as far to start a #FreeBritney campaign because the public doesn't really know.


Ok then, let an independent shrink diagnose her and recommend to the court


I agree.


“There's one guy in my town who runs nearly naked in the streets everyday with his hands clasped shaking and talking to himself.”

Yeah, I really must stop doing that.


If she is capable of produce millions of dollars with her work she should have the freedom to use the money without asking for permission


Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell were making music and performing live shows and yet still killed themselves.


If she was truly competent, she would easily be able to get this personal and professional conservatorship struck down. I am a libertarian, and believe people should be free and able to make their own choices. Spears shouldn't be in a conservatorship, but having said that, I don't think the conservators are taking advantage of her. I think she truly is incompetent, and they are protecting her and her assets. She is still rich after all. I'm guessing she wouldn't be if she were in change of her finances.


Not necessarily. Look what happened to Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys


None of those things are even remotely major.

Shaved her head? Criminal.
Attacked a car with an umbrella? 10-20 years inside surely.


Those “personal” issues carry a high penalty if caught!😆


No one brought up jail. The argument is if she is mentally capable of taking care of herself.


because she's an adult that deserves freedom


Or course, but is she mentally sound to make those decisions?


Frankly, I suspect it's largely because a lot of the people climbing on the "Free Britney" bandwagon don't understand much about the nastier mental illnesses, how disabling they can be, and why conservatorships exist.


Perhaps some do understand why conservatorships exist but still question if making the person supposedly suffering from mental illness work like an absolute dog while having no control over their affairs is actually in their best interests.


I suspect that Britney has severe bipolar or schizoaffective disorder, terrible diseases that would leave her lucid and able to resent restrictions on her life for much of the time.

But if the conservatorship is refused then she'd have the legal right to refuse treatment and just be batshit, have a look at Sinead O'Connor to see how that works for someone in the entertainment field.


Exactly. We don't know what evidence was brought to a judge to determine if the conservatorship should continue. They're basing their opinion on a documentary and what Britney said.


No I'm basing this on a number of factors.

1) my own experience with shady doctors who like to lie

2) greedy family members

3) other famous people who have gone through something similar that turned out they were being used

4) slavery and indentured servitude is over

5) Hollywood being known to abuse young stars


But we also still don't know. Not everyone is the same.


That's true. Regardless I think an independent arbitrator and doctor should be called in. She seems to have been fine for these past 13 years at what point does this end? Is she gonna be forced into this for life?

Not right


Absolutely. My post is really just about how people are overwhelmingly on Britney's side without knowing how she really is.


Well none of us on here are really experts on much except bullshitting on this board so lol


People make mistakes and then turn their lives around every day.


She has to convince the courts of that though. Notice how since she's been under conservatorship, she hasn't been acting strange?


Can't tell if this is a troll post or not.

Taking someone's control over their own life away is a MAJOR issue. In this country we are guaranteed "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." These are regarded as INALIENABLE rights.

BRB off to take away someone's inalienable rights because they shaved their head and had an episode 15 years ago.


And child endangerment. These were a string of things that happened in a short time and we (the public) don't know if she has gotten better because she has been in a conservatorship for many years. The judge obviously has enough evidence to make a decision with stuff we don't know about.


"Child endangerment."

Plenty of us rode in our parents' laps as they drove when we were kids.


Did you also shave your head, and attack someone's car because you were mad at the driver? Did you also marry someone you didn't know and get divorced over a weekend? All of these thing happened in a short amount of time. You can't just allow it to continue happening before it's too late.


Like I said, that's all old shit. What has she done lately that would warrant having her rights taken away? That's what I would like to know.


She's been under the conservatorship the last few years and hasn't done anything like she did before. But maybe the conservatorship is the exact reason why we don't hear about it.


Sounds like a typical weekend for me.


I know. I have the videos.


lol - are you sure?
Last I checked, everybody's rights were stripped last year.


We're definitely having something of a "rights crisis" right now, that's for sure.


I don't get it either. Maybe the dad isn't a saint either, but the judge found him to be more fit to handle her affairs than anybody else.

This isn't just about Britney, she has kids as well.


Those kids can’t be so young anymore. (Edit) Yeah, just checked. They are 14 and 15.


She still has to provide for them, maybe pay for their education.


I’m sure they have all they need and their own trust funds to secure their care. Plus at that age they can speak for themselves in family court and their requests can be taken into account.


We can't be sure about that at all and even less so if someone with mental issues has complete control over their estate.


The point of the trustee is to appoint someone of sound mind to manage the estate. I haven’t been following this case closely but I don’t think there is a custody issue with her kids involved here. There’s the Dad, Federline, who might have custody or partial custody.


Who says anything about custody? It would make complete sense for the dad to want to preserve her estate for the kids, especially to pay for their education and basic needs, instead of Britney perhaps squandering her fortune due to mental issues.


They may not have trust funds. Federline has custody of them and he receives the money to provide for the welfare of the kids. Since he has no other regular income he may be using it to keep his own house. He's also raising kids he had with two or three other women, probably with that money as well.


Exactly. We don't know what evidence was given to the judge to make his decision, so how can we know if Britney is able to take care of herself?


That car was evil and needed a good umbrella-ing.


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