MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > It's SICK that her Family is Stealing he...

It's SICK that her Family is Stealing her Money...

when that job should go to her future husband.


Brittany is mentally gone. She cannot do daily things on her own.
This is what comes along being a child of hollyweird.
She would not be able to pay her mortgage, taxes and other bills.
With conservatorship she would be flat broke.
Sadly she is mentally gone


Is this for real? What the hell happened to her???


I don't disagree.

From what I read, in her "impassioned speech" she mentioned being forced on birth control and prevented from marrying. She said she wants to take a husband and have a baby. Someone is going to loot her finances.

People tend to go broke in one of two ways: Gradually or suddenly.


If she wasn't rich no one would give a fuck about her. I don't care if she is mentally ill, she should be free to do what she wants.
Drops her kid like oops I did it again, fuck it. Not my kid. The courts/government need to mind their own business. She's a grown woman let her be free to make mistakes and fuck up like the rest of us.


Yes,. But she was a hollyweird child actor. The things she saw and was forced to endure breaks ones mental stability.


I totally agree. Even if she wanted to ruin her life at a younger age, she's an adult and should be able to do that. Freedom of choice.

I was asking someone about this and basically that time she shaved her head and attacked the paparazzi, her family used that to take over her career and finances. She seems a little bit crazy on that tape, but I'd say more out of frustration.

She's 40, they should let her be an adult for a change.
