MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Is she the best at singing songs?

Is she the best at singing songs?

Does she sing songs very well.
Like better than any other singer woman?
Is her voice like a fine wine makingnits way down your throat on a cool night ?



She is the best song singer that has ever lived.


Or will *ever* live.


Christina is / was a better singer. A lot of Britney's appeal came from her looks


It was the producers and sound engineers, she is basically Johnny Bravo with tits and a cute smile. I'm not a fan of Christina as she seems to be stuck on herself, but if I had to listen to either one singing the same songs but without and producers doctoring their voices I would pick Christina all the time. Hell there are a lot of female singer I would choose to listen to over Britney because a lot of them even the mediocre ones are light years above Britney. If it weren't for autotune she would be nowhere. I mean good lord the internet is filled with examples of her singing without autotune and it isn't pretty, it's just pretty scary.


Is her voice like a fine wine makingnits way down your throat on a cool night ?

Well, I'd be more inclined to describe her voice as rusty metal shards heated to red hot going down a throat with a kerosene chaser.


So, JV, you’ve never heard Leontine Price or Eva Cassidy? That’s a rhetorical question. Britney Spears is a pop personality. She is not a vocalist. She was a brand name.


She's not as good as Ella Fitzgerald!


Her voice makes my dick go limp and my balls retract.
