MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Now her fans are worried. *facepalm*

That’s what happens when you blindly advocate for someone to be given freedom that they’ve shown no evidence to have earned, without considering the ramifications.


I agree, she should’ve had someone else be her conservator instead of being “free”. Britney is obviously not right in the head, I wouldn’t trust her with a pair of scissors.



Yep, given how deranged she looked when she was angry and having those public mental breakdowns, I would not want to see that. That would look like stuff of nightmares.


That’s what happens when you blindly advocate for someone to be given freedom that they’ve shown no evidence to have earned, without considering the ramifications.

Exactly. The mob who wanted her 'free' had no idea what the full situation was. All they had were soundbites from Spears herself, and speculation from gossip mags/sites. Just because Spears wanted to be 'free' doesn't mean it was actually the best thing for her. She clearly needed someone. If not her father, then someone else.


They also watched a documentary that painted her in a sympathetic light. Which, yes, she is sympathetic, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.


I agree with all 3 of the people in this conversation here. None of us knew what she was really going through and yet they wanted her free because it was the cool thing to do.


Adults don't earn their freedom its the default status. Generally people who lose self-control and are put on a conservatorship are so ill they are unable to support themselves / work full time.

You can't have your cake and eat it. If she's not fit to take care of herself then she's not fit either to do a Vegas show.


Yeah, "generally", but this is a very specific and unusual situation.


The only unusual part is she has made millions of dollars and they are seen as more important than her life.


I’m aware it’s the default status for most people. I was referring to Britney losing hers for a very good reason and people saying “free Britney” just because they’re fans of her music, not because she’s shown she is in any way competent. That’s what I meant by earning it. I thought my point would have been obvious to anyone.


Like 99,9% of people with mental disorders are not put under a conservatorship. And ones who are they don't work full time jobs.

I'm not one to deny Britney is mentally ill I do however find the whole arrangement odd. It seemed to be more about protecting the financial interests than doing what was best for her as a person.


What we know we’ve only heard from the media. It’s probably way worse than we realize.

Do you know how hard it is for a woman to lose custody of her children? Try being a rich and famous woman living in California. For Britney Spears to be all three of those things and STILL lose custody of her children… how hard do you have to even try to sink that badly?

What we saw in the late 2000s was really bad, and it’s most likely way worse. There’s most likely a VERY good reason she was put under a conservatorship in the first place, to say the least.


🥱🥱🥱🥱 (this is not aimed at the OP, it's about the subject itself)


Yeah, I don’t feel pity for them either.


the sad part is that she is over 40 but still needs to be supervised.


Oh, she definitely needs to be supervised. All you have to do is watch her Instagram videos. She doesn't speak like a normal person. You can see the crazy in her eyes and body language.

I don't even know if she was ever pregnant tbh. I think she either never was or might have caused her miscarriage because she went jet skiing: She just keeps proving she needs a watcher.


she is def out there and is out of touch of reality. I dont think she was pregnant either, I assume it was a ploy for attention. its just another sad story of how a kids life can be ruined by fame.


A lot of this can be safely blamed on her parents and her upbringing, because no parent should ever allow their child to be groomed by the entertainment industry. Many child stars have parents who do just that and beyond, because the parents have dollar signs in their eyes rather than their own child’s well-being.

Because she is an adult now, she is ultimately responsible for her own choices and those choices have led to certain consequences like needing to be supervised by a competent adult. It is what it is.


I believe any adult over 40 has the right to crash and burn. That's how people learn, and if she crashes, at least she will be an example to other people how *not* to act.


Why over 40? Why not younger?

She kind of did that way before she turned 40.


I was referring to Spears specifically.


She's incapable of learning, that's the point.


she's very clearly mentally ill. its like saying a cancer patient is incapable of getting better cause they dont want to.


She has severe bipolar at least, and I seriously doubt that either she or her dirtbag boyfriend is capable of managing a disease that serious. It's clear her family abused the conservatorship system, but that doesn't mean that Britney is capable of caring for herself.


I mean of course bipolar is mental illness but she seems legit crazy. I know "look at her eyes" is hardly a medical diagnosis but she has crazy eyes.

her videos are just creepy. none of her talking. just staring at them doing dancing or whatever

"It's clear her family abused the conservatorship system, but that doesn't mean that Britney is capable of caring for herself.

100%. im tyring to find interviews or her talking. it seems all she does is tweet


I truly, sincerely, hope that I'm wrong, and that Britney isn't incapable of managing her challenges, and that her boyfriend isn't planning to walk away with her fortune!

But the fact is, Britney's family has made sure she wasn't educated and hasn't been able to make decisions for herself as an adult. So on top of the bipolar, and maybe not the highest IQ, her mind hasn't developed in a way that would allow her to deal with bipolar and normal adult challenges, and she's got a rough road ahead. Worse, if I'm right about the dirtbag boyfriend, the last thing he's going to want is for her to grow up, make her own decisions, and manage her illness responsibly!

Her fans don't seem to understand any of that, none of the people clammoring "Free Britney" seem to understand anything about serious mental illnesses. They seem to think that "mental illness" means their own "anxiety and depression", which they all claim to have.


im tryna find interviews or her talking but it seems to be all through twitter....

Like I said I dont think its immaturity, or inability to handle being bipolar. Her eyes seemed glazed over in that "not all there" weird unstable.

I can understand the narrative of "you were just trying to control her for her money" from fans. but it seems they may have had a damn good reason to control her life. mental illness is horrible. theres no cure unlike a normal disease


Some people who are severely bipolar have that "off" feeling, some people who are on heavy psychoactive drugs can as well, and some people who have mental illnesses more serious than bipolar can have the "flat affect" associated with schizophrenia.

We know she has some form of mental illness and all we've heard is bipolar, and the conservatorship system is most emphatically not there to keep bipolar people from going manic and becoming inconvenient to their families. Legal conservatorships are supposed to be imposed on people who are never going to be able to function and make decisions for themselves, most people under conservatorship and mentally delayed, deep into dementia, or with intractable mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, and if Britney is just bipolar then the whole conservatorship may have been illegal. But maybe there's something else going on with her something beyond bipolar... I don't know and neither do you, we can only speculate.


its not that she "hasn't learned". she's clearly fucked in the head dumb ass.

no she won't be an example. what a dumb post


no she won't be an example. what a dumb post

Ironic coming from someone who is as dumb as a post.




She actually does have Bipolar Disorder, it was discussed in court documents, and she told the judge she knew what she needed to do to manage it. AND she's not too bright or well-spoken, and she is surrounded by people who care far more about her money than her welfare. And none of those problems have gone away.

But it's very likely that the Conservatorship system was abused, bipolar disorder isn't enough to qualify someone for conservatorship, that's only supposed to be used for conditions that are permanently disabling. Like severe dementia, developmental delay, or the worst cases of schizophrenia.
