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Britney Spears Addresses Police Wellness Check After Dancing With Knives Video Inspired By Shakira’s VMAs Performance

When men play with knives nobody calls 911! If they juggle them people applaud.

Britney Spears went viral this week when she shared a video on social media dancing with knives. The clip concerned people that police were called to do a wellness check on her and the singer is now calling law enforcement out.

“Is it a joke in the news again with welfare checks??? Come on America … we cooler than that, right ??? The officers came to my home and said they would not leave until they spoke to me as people do 4-minute performances with them. I am getting an apology,” Spears said in a post shared on Instagram.

She continued, “I’ve been bullied in my home for so long now…ITS ENOUGH! Don’t talk about it, come on, let’s DO !!! As my mom does the silent treatment when paps ask questions about her own daughter as if I’m in the wrong…nope it’s an old game. People need to be responsible for their actions! It’s about power for cops.”

Spears had previously clarified that the knives she used in the video were “fake” with her team renting them “from Hand Prop shop in LA.”

“These are not real knives. No one needs to worry or call the police. I’m trying to imitate one of my favorite performers Shakira … a performance I was inspired by !!! Cheers to us bad girls who aren’t afraid to push boundaries and take risks,” she added.


'When men play with knives nobody calls 911! If they juggle them people applaud.'

As they would for an apparently sane woman who has given no cause for concern over many years regarding her personal safety and welfare. Unfortunately, it's Britney Spears...


True. No one called the cops when Shakira did it.


so typical to turn it into a gender thing, I don't understand why women these days have to portray themselves as victims in every situation.

what an idiotic and ignorant quote, unfortunately it's a common way of thinking these days.

it's clearly nothing to do with her being a crazy bitch with a history of mental instability, no no no it's all got to be purely due to her gender. fucking pathetic
