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I wish a professional psychiatrist would comment on her book. There are so many plot holes

So I read her book. And have few observations

1. Looks like all her boyfriends and husbands dumped her. She says Kevin was about to file for divorce so she was advised to file first. Never even explains why their marriage fell apart. Then that Criminal video guy Jason Travick dumped her too. Justin dumped her. Sam dumped her.

2. Most interesting part - she spend so much time trash talking her mom, sister and father. And spend almost zero time on her 3 major men she spend years with - Kevin, Jason Trawick, Sam. She just acknowledges they were kinda there. And that it. Sam was barely mentioned at all. Where was he when she was locked in that place? She blames her sister, her mom for not getting her out. But Sam its not like he even exist. Despite them dating for years. There isn't much about Justin times too.

3. Her children don't exist as persons too. It's feel like her ghost writer just mentioned them out of obligation. And she sometimes says: I love my children and would die for them. But its all performative. We all saw how they stopped seeing her and went on tv intervention to basically say they are open to seeing her if she will stop be abusive and crazy. But she ignored it, attacked them and then forgot about their existence. Never mentions in book them having struggles in communication.

Basically when you read book you would think that she was always alone and there are no boyfriends and children in her life. Which is not true.

4. Crazy hatred for her younger sister who got pregnant at 16 and had to raise her child alone, then married and had another one. Sister had her own struggles while Britney blames sister for not saving her. As if she could do anything. While older BROTHER is barely mentioned at all. She does not blame him for anything. It's surreal.

5. You read book and think that this perfectly sane person was brutally put in psych ward as it's some Hollywood thriller. All those mean evil doctors were after her money and hold her in hostage. Because this is how she sees herself.

While we all know that in reality she is mentally ill with outbursts and breakdowns and that's why so many doctors examined her and gave her pills. She either lies about why she was put in rehab or blocked that from her memory. I would actually like her to sue her father so all those doctors would have to tell court what really happened with her. But her lawyers stopped going after father for this same reasons. They don't want everyone to know exactly how crazy she is.

We all saw what happened after she was free. She looks, acts and speaks completely out of reality. Her own children stopped seining her because she was abusive and then her own gigolo husband dumped her. Because he couldn't take her craziness anymore. And now she is free of everyone like she wished. And she is still unhappy and miserable.

5. At the end of book she casually says she now has horrible migraines when she can't even see light because her head hurts and has to stay still in the dark. And it started happening after she was left free from conservatorship. So it has to be because she stopped taking medication. And that's why Sam could not keep up with her anymore. Since when he was dating her she was under medication and was somewhat half-sane. And then she stopped taking them and probably was like another person. Manic and abusive.

6. She was caught at least twice publicly for lying in book.

At first ex-gf of Kevin (mother of his first two children) says Britney perfectly well knew Kevin was taken and had new baby on his way when Britney stole him. While Britney claims she didn't know it for a long time.

Britney wrote that when she came visit her mom's house she found out that mommy threw away all her dolls collection and journals and mommy is so horrible for doing it. And mother put out on insta pictures with all dolls sitting on shelves in a room and journals and say she doesn't know who told Britney that but that all her dolls and journals are intact and she would never throw them away. So that was blatant lie from Britney.


Don't read a lot of celeb autobios/bios, but Britney is such a car-crash I might actually read hers (although after your post I probably don't need to! 😂).


Biographies can't have plot holes. Those are simply omissions, and they all do that.


She's not even so much ne tally I'll, just a horrible narcissist and druggie.
