MovieChat Forums > Hilary Swank Discussion > did her career tank?

did her career tank?

years ago she was all over the place, winning oscars and costarring in movies with A-listers like eastwood, pacino and robin williams. After amelia it seems like she has dropped to the D list. she now has tv movies for recent credits. i'm not sure but was Amelia a flop? if it was maybe that killed it for her as a lead actress in a big budget movies


So, what the hell happened?

Despite winning two Oscars for Best Actress, Swank was never really a box office draw. The highest grossing movie of her career was Million Dollar Baby which grossed just over $100 million dollars in the US. Given their respective track records at the box office, you have to credit most of that success to director and star Eastwood. Outside of that movie, Swank has rarely cracked the $50 million dollar mark.

Something that comes up a lot is Swank’s appearance. She is undeniably a beautiful woman. But she is best-know for playing tomboys. She doesn’t have what you would call “the traditional movie star look”. Frequently, Swank is the subject of catty “hot or not” style articles on the internet. I don’t wish to participate in that debate, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it as a contributing factor.

Swank is a talented actress. As her two Oscar wins show, she can hit home runs in the right role. But those roles are frustratingly rare. You could describe Boys Don’t Cry and Million Dollar Baby as once-in-a-lifetime parts. And somehow, Swank managed to get two once-in-a-lifetimes. Unfortunately, she’s also been involved in a lot of Oscar bait that missed the mark and commercial movies that just fell flat.

Given her talent, Swank will likely continue working for as long as she wishes to do so. But it doesn’t seem likely that she is going to be able to convert her two Oscar wins into A-list movie stardom. I imagine she’s probably all right with that though.


Amelia was a box office flop and critical failure. She wasn't doing well at the time, but it sealed her fate.
