MovieChat Forums > Gabrielle Union Discussion > GABBY=DUMMY For the sake of your career ...

GABBY=DUMMY For the sake of your career , health, and sanity - DUMP HIM!

This whole story's got me wondering if Gabrielle has been appointed a saint (and nobody told us) or has she been subjected to a major injury to her brain (and nobody tolds us).

So disappointed in Gabby. I knew that getting involved with 1) an athlete 2)with baby momma drama was a bad idea from the start. But it's really transformed into a full-blown nightmare. A man with no self-control is dangerous.

Gabby is going HAM on twitter with her ditsy self-improvement quotes. I want to see how the "power of love" sustains her when he brings home one of the many venereal diseases out there or more kids come out of the woodwork.

Soooo disappointed in her level of intelligence. She's always talking about being a strong independent woman. Now she NEEDS to be strong and kick his ass to the curb, she wants to focus on a fairytale. Focus on her ring and being escorted by bodyguards to protect her million-dollar jewel. Silly woman.

I was NEVER a fan of this relationship, but the little bit of respect I had for her is gone.

By marrying this horny imbecile, Gabby is agreeing to this latest baby momma sharing in her hard-earned funds. WOW! If this is love, Cupid better miss me with that chit. LOL

Gabby is on her own! It will only get worse

Their relationship was plagued by doubt from the beginning. Quote from Gabby when the baby momma drama#1 was starting

“It’s hard because, aside from loving him, I want to protect myself. I’ve built my life. I built my own brand. I built my career and my career took a hit from that madness because some people refuse to see the truth, even when it’s presented to them time and time again,”

Very informative article un-the-hell-away-from-dwyane-wade/

I did not come to this earth to please you.


Cheaters cheat. It'll come back around again if it's true I promise you.
