MovieChat Forums > Lauren Ambrose Discussion > Red hair on a girl = hot. Red hair on a ...

Red hair on a girl = hot. Red hair on a guy = not....double standards??

Why is this? I feel sorry for redheaded guys.


because red haired chicks are often hotter just because they have red hair and it's rare.

Many red heads also have freckles and are ginger which, if they are a guy makes them look less masculine.


Because the attractiveness of men lies in other things than that of women.


I can only think of one guy I thought was good looking as a redhead (this coming from a hetero male though). I can't think of his name, but he was one of the NASA control guys in Apollo 13 and also in Star Trek Next Generation as Picard's friend when Picard was an ensign at the Academy.

Strange thing about redhead women though: in general they look terrible as blondes and I can't explain why. If they are going to dye their hair, a darker shade seems to work.


Red headed people are usually pale.

Paleness highlights delicate skin tone and texture. These tend to be feminine traits.


Depends on the guy. Domhnall Gleeson is hot.


dont project your red head hate on us!!!

kidding I agree with you there does seem to be a double standard
