MovieChat Forums > Richard Armitage Discussion > Are they still together?

And that's why I said we shouldn't gossip. But one thing is speculating by and large, another one is banning people (not only here), deleting comments and threads if you suggest he could be gay.

Totally agree. If people think the subject is distasteful they can just ignore the posts and not read them. What they have no right to do is have comments (and accounts!) banned because they feel no one should be discussing this at all. That is fascism and censorship IMO. These boards are public -- they are not a private blog where the owner can impose what rules he likes.

So now the board participants who spent all their time false reporting posts can happily go off and set up their own little group where they can impose rules to their heart's content. They should also realize how much they contributed to the reputation RA's fans have of being total lunatics.


