MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > My college professor told us

My college professor told us

that Biden would win the election and in 2024 Kamala will become the 1st woman president in which she will serve 2 terms. He also told me he is confident that AOC will be president after Kamala does her 2 terms and her running mate will be one of her squad members


I don't even want to think about how rich Donald will get from the people moving out and going to live at one of the properties he has overseas. He has 3000 acres in just Scotland he can sell for homes to people escaping the crime in the US.This is just a small part of the land as far as you can see for homes that Donald has just in Scotland.


Trump may be going to jail after he leaves office for all his crimes committed during his presidency


The democrats have already cancelled the tax fight.


It’s not up to the Democrats. It’s going to be the Southern District of New York who nails trump and his grifter family. The only reason he even ran was the protection it provided from prosecution. Buh bye.


Absolutely. Between the massive number of potential financial crime charges, both in NY and elsewhere, and his creditors knocking at the door, Trump is done once his term expires and the shields drop. Current Republican members of Congress can get off their knees and stop groveling now. The only thing Trump will be running in 2024 is the prison yard.

I'd be surprised if we saw four or five consecutive terms of one party though. The electorate tends to get tired of whichever one is in charge after two or three cycles, max. One assumes the GOP will realize fascism is highly unpopular sometime over the next decade and move away from it!


Now you know what delusional people in ivory towers look like.


I hope you're not paying to listen to a raving loonie! CNN is almost free.


My college professor is a genius. He told me Trump could be doing some serious time after he leaves office


You had me a 'college professor'.


I wouldn't put too much stock in what this alleged college professor is saying. Apparently he also told this kid the riots were OK because they were "reparations for slavery". If this guy actually is a professor he probably works at a diploma mill (probably the only college that would accept the OP)



Kamala will finish Joe's this term but lose when running against Nikki Haley in 2024. Technically she won't be the first elected female president.


Kamala will be a better president. Biden is too moderate. My college professor believes the country needs to move off the center and to the left. Putting Biden on the ticket allowed the moderates in the democrat to vote foe him, and we thank them for that. But its time for the left wing part of the party to take over and we will in the name of justice for this nation.


Please take more or our money and regulate our everyday activities more and teach our little white kindergarteners that they are racists so the country and planet will be saved in the name of justice.


I did my part already since I am a white male. I apologized for my past white privilege as did everyone in our class that is white. I am no racist


Could you get any of your classmates to go search for your balls?


I'm telling both my classmates and my professor what you just said


Nice..... and if i PM you my address, could send that professor over to my place?
i need a good spanking. One like only a limp wristed cuck like your professor can deliver.



My professor warned me I would come across racists like yourself


But you're professor didn't warn against me-- there's never been a racist like me.


You should acknowledge your white privilege right now. Thats at least a start


Why would I do that if I admit to being a racist?

...also, I'm not white.


Ah, so, back in neoconservatism after the thugs lose?


We all have no choice. Left wing policies will save our country and also the planet


my college professor said that your professor is full of shit


Wrong! My college professor is smarter than your college professor


My professor got a nobel prize


If people can't spot trolling, they are as gullible as the morons who voted for Biden.


Your college professor is an idiot, just like the vast majority of them out there.


Tell your college professor Galactus03 said..."STFU you looney toons". ...

AOC will not become president. I can see Kamala getting it. It all depends on how the Republican party reorganizes by 2024. Your "genius" college professor spends too much time on twitter and is just repeating the same boring rhetoric all the other far left and right loonies spout off all day. Get a pair of big boy pants and think for yourself instead of having others do it for you...


These days it seems some college professors spend more time indoctrinating students than actually teaching them. And I thought this only happened in my country, silly me. Nothing wrong in educators defending a political position, but just don't propagate your ideology in classrooms, they were not meant for that.


Every time I read about contemporary "education" in the U.S. I am thankful for my good fortune to have gone from kindergarten through college graduation at a time before school became political. I can't think of a single teacher or professor who ever revealed his or her politics in any way. Education before the ideological bullshit hit the fan was a blessing we didn't even realize we had, that will probably never return.




I don't live in US, my testimony to show how things have become so f... up in academic medium in my country regarding political indoctrination:

I was in college between 2010-2014 and can't remember any instances of professors indoctrinating us. I had one that was a ultra leftist, as he was the elder brother of a close friend, and he disclosed me that. Fortunately, AFAIK, he only defended his ideology on social networks, so at least he was professional enough to not bring that BS to classroom.

However, it seems things began going downhill since 2015, when accusations of docents indoctrinating pupils started appearing more and more often in the media. News about deans enforcing cultural marxism also began to become frequent, with leftist outlets explicitly supporting the liberal policies.

And since the current conservative president was elected in 2018, indoctrination in tertiary education has reached a new level: radical professors lecturing in public universities started to openly express their political views, participate in strikes and occupy campi buildings, preventing students that wanted to learn and not to be brainwashed from attending classes.
