MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > President Biden is a great President so ...

President Biden is a great President so far

A smart, experienced, wise, real man of faith, who understands how to govern, negotiate, compromise, but who has hard moral boundaries that force him to stand up against corruption and moral failure, like greed or tyranny. I wish the best for him, and for our country.


He's doing alright. Maybe one day the US can have a social democracy too and be less of a puppet for big companies and unbridled greed. It works wonders in the happiest countries in the world like the northern and western European ones. Until then; good luck with the gun toting crazy militias and crumbling bridges!


>> Maybe one day the US can have a social democracy too and be less of a puppet for big companies and unbridled greed.

That would be nice. Or, I would also be nice if those developed countries would let some of us emigrate there and out of what is turning into an insane lunatic country.

The ironic thing I find is how the Right calls most of the countries with social programs socialist, but every one of those countries, the northern European Social democracies all have capitalist economies. For all perceptions one would have in day to day life it would be the same - except there would be a more supportive system that assists everyone equally. or more equally.


You're welcome there, Brux.




Or, I would also be nice if those developed countries would let some of us emigrate there and out of what is turning into an insane lunatic country.

Wait! Why would you want to move to a country that enforces immigration laws?!?!?!? You morons hate that!


I love that deep sarcasm. Well played.


Oh, that's nothing compared to your deceit.


Just don't listen to him live, though. Best to wait for the cleaned up edit.
Oh, also don't listen to anything he has ever said before now too.


Biden is a mentally challenged empty suit. Probably the worst president ever, and that's saying a lot since we just had obama not too long ago.


Impeach him!


Right on! (I mean the original poster)


While it is still early, I would definitely agree Pres Biden has been amazing so far. I rate him an "A" so far.
He has gotten Covid under control by vaccinating the people, the economy seems to be improving and morale has improved for Americans and things are generally looking much better than a year ago.

Under Trump, everything had turned to feces. Biden has done in 4 months what Trump couldn't do in 4 years.

Who knows? In time, Presidents Obama and Biden will be in history textbooks and possibly faces on Mt. Rushmore.

Remember that Lincoln, an American uber hero today, was hated by over 50% of the country so much that he was assassinated. In time, Obama and Biden will become like Lincoln. People will laugh at this comment in 2021 but time will prove this comment right. (Hello future reader 120 years from now).


The problem is that the cancer of Trump-publicanism has a toxic fatal grip on our country. Tonight, in fact, just about now, or in a short while the Senate is going to vote on whether to have an investigation of the Jan 6th insurrection - and the Republicans, especially the Republicans who were so vocal and clear that it was an insurrection and the behest of Donald Trump are all turning their backs on what they said in the past and expected ... well, they will vote no, to investigate, charge and punish those involved in storming our government while the election process was happening.

That is enough to turn my stomach.

I think Obama is a big reason so many people voted for Trump. Obama, the first black President was elected for change, and all he did was to continue the policies of Bush. People got so crazy mad they voted for an immoral criminal moron and surprisingly put him in office.


Still feel the same?


Downgrade to better than Trump. ;-)
The speech he gave about Jan 6th was a year late, and Merrick Garland the same.
Bernie Sanders said it this morning -

Bernie Sanders says Democrats are failing: ‘The party has turned its back on the working class’

The basic problem is the same in both parties, they represent ONLY their monetary donors. The study about democracy says that 97% of legislation is all about helping the few super-billionaires control the economy and the country.

I give Biden the benefit of the doubt that he is aware of any at least cares about doing something, but the is old in his thinking, and like Obama has either waited or stalled about really looking into things that might change it - because the people he would go against could really destabilize the country - and of course the government, his administration would be blamed, when it is the part of the state that is so deep it's not even part of the state - the Super-wealthy industrialists, the military, etc. Voters are hostages that they don't have to do anything for but use in this fake game of democracy/republic, whatever you want to call it.
