MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden now bombing poorest people on Eart...

Biden now bombing poorest people on Earth

At least he doesn't tweet mean things though right shitlibs


Perhaps all that foreign spending was actually covering the costs of all the bombs he's ordered to be dropped.


So you're saying the Biden shouldn't bomb the Islamic Militants al Shabaab? Do you support their organization? Go take your fake outrage somewhere else.


Why are we still fucking around in other countries? Worked out so well in the past. Wasn't it always you liberals who wanted to "give peace a chance" and "make love not war" you fucking shitlib


Because al Shabob is an affiliate of Al Qaeda. Do I need to remind you why they're our enemy? I'm not saying we should or shouldn't bomb them -- I'm just saying your post is disingenuous. You don't give a shit about the poor people in Somalia, so don't pretend.

And why the fuck is it always Left vs Right with you? I'm not even a Liberal you dumbass.


So stay at war forever thats your plan. Have you signed up yet?


Again, I'm not saying we should or shouldn't be bombing them. I have no plan. I'm just calling you out for being disingenuous.

As for forever wars, I'm ecstatic we are finally leaving Afghanistan.


Ecstatic we're leaving Afghanistan, Wants to stay at war forever but hasn't signed up himself. Well as someone who did and retired from the military YOU are being disingenuous


Do you have reading comprehension problems? I never once said or even insinuated I want the US to stay at war forever lol.

If Trump were president, would you have made a post titled "Trump now bombing poorest people on earth." No, you wouldn't, because you don't really care about what's happening.

And for you information, I did in fact enlist to Navy in 2005 when I graduated high school, but I was considered disqualified due to an incurable autoimmune disease, even though I had it under control with medication. That's besides the point though...If you're saying someone can only have an opinion if they have served, that's some retard logic right there.


I wouldn't cause Trump didn't start any new wars jackass


There were hundreds of drone strikes in Somalia under the Trump Administration, yet I didn't hear a peep from you about it....




It's official that liberals are pro-war. Let the records show.


I'm conservative in pretty much every aspect.

If Trump would have conducted this exact airstrike while in office, the same people now being outraged would cheer about it saying things like "yeah, woohoo, take that terrorists!".

But it was Biden, so it must be bad, it must be wrong, it must be trashed.

I despise Biden, he's a joke of a man, let alone president and while there is no proof, the way he talks and touches children has nothing to do with "he's from an old generation, they touch!" but everything to do with being a pervert who's attracted to kids. So I guess that makes clear I'm not exactly a "liberal" (by US pol definition), let alone a Biden supporter.

But this stupid partisan politics need to stop.

This isn't the NFL where you rout for your team for the sake of routing for your team and boo the other team for the sake of booing it. That's not how it works, it helps no one.

There can't be too many bombs being dropped on these people, and if Biden was responsible, I say good stuff, keep em coming!


If Trump would have conducted this exact airstrike while in office, the same people now being outraged would cheer about it saying things like "yeah, woohoo, take that terrorists!".

Which is exactly what happened.
Started at the very end of Bush's presidency, went on all the way through both of Obama's terms, then through Trump's presidency and now it's happening under Biden. People who post faux outrage stuff like this don't actually care about the people being bombed, they are only out to score political points.


Not Biden, but his puppetmasters. POTATUS probably can't even decide to wipe his own ass after he shits. Just wonders why his ass feels like it has mud in it.


"My Butts been wiped" - Joe Biden
