MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden now bombing poorest people on Eart...

Biden now bombing poorest people on Earth

At least he doesn't tweet mean things though right shitlibs


You mean he's bombing the Proud Boys? It's about time. Right on Joltin' Joe!


"Biden loves war so much, you'd think it was a young girl's hair." - Jimmy Dore



So, he's done a Vietnam-style-last-helicopter out surrender to the enemy in Afghanistan, and is now working on that in Iraq. How does he "love war" again?


air strikes in Syria and Somalia, but no one cares about that or the innocent people killed, and of course no one cares about the 30,000 kids locked in cages. and also no one cares about the out of control murder rate in Chicago. according to dems, all is well...


Killing people is just fine, as long as the right people get killed. Simple.

Your "kids in cages" are here illegally, and your heroes Biden and Harris were inviting them to flood our country throughout the campaign last year. So, you and both of them should be taking in these children you are "so concerned" about. But, you're most likely the same wet pussy that both of them are, so you will do nothing, being a random keyboard warrior, and a weak one at that.


dementia Joe is terrible and has to go...he locks kids in cages and bombs innocent people, but thats ok because dems can do anything. he is not my hero, he needs someone to wipe his butt...


It's disturbing to think that racist fascist Joe locks kids in cages so he can go on a kiddie sniffing binge.


why he is bombing Somalia? they are literally the poorest Country in the world... I am sure the liberal mainstream media will support this as always.


my uncle lives in mississippi!!! i hope he is okay from the bombs :(((


Good one lol


Not surprise the shitlib crew in here making jokes about poor people getting bombed but will yell at you about killing grandma if you don't wear a mask or get vaxxed

You libs never fail to show how fucked you really are.

Liberalism = Mental disorder


You should leave the country because we're in charge for at least the next 8 years!




Hopefully. We know they hold power by fixing elections and the real battle will be getting free fair and transparent elections nationwide. Do that, America (and western civilization) wins. Do it not, the tyrants win and this beautiful civilization slips beneath the waves. We have to throw all we have into this battle because absolutely everything is at stake.


You should leave the planet, I hear its nice on the sun


YOU are in charge? So can we bring YOU to account for the crimes committed by you and your comrades? Or do you just say it along like most of the delusional demonrat sheeple?


All this hate is poison, it destroys the soul.


Fuck off Yoda


Don’t you agree?


That you can fuck off? Yeah


In most cases, it is best to just turn the other cheek, but sometimes, it is necessary to stand up and fight against the darkness.


You are a part of the darkness if you become hateful.


cough coiuhg i have the virus, now you have it because masks are for libtards


The US military command for Africa (Africom), IN COORDINATION WITH the Somali government, "conducted one airstrike in the vicinity of Galkayo, Somalia today against al-Shabaab," Pentagon spokeswoman Cindi King said.

The strike, 700 kilometers northeast of Mogadishu, targeted Shabaab Islamists, King said.

"A battle-damage assessment is still pending due to the ongoing engagement between al-Shabaab and Somali forces, however the command's initial assessment is that no civilians were injured or killed as a result of this strike," she added.

Why do you have to lie about what's happening there? We are helping save lives by working with their government against the terrorists who have been suicide bombing innocent people.


It sounds like you don't know how this works. US backing a government usually means the country is rich in natural resources, the government in return then helps US companies to extract those resources.

"Somalia has reserves of several natural resources, including uranium, iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt and natural gas. The CIA reports that there are 5.663 billion cubic metres of proven natural gas reserves."

Now that sounds more and more like Iraq, doesn't it? US military is usually there to protect those corporate interests at the expenses of US tax payers, which US corporate tax paid about 11% of it, the rest is paid by the people.

So both US and Somali governments are stealing from it's people. Apparently only Somali people are aware of it. With "free and independent" corporate media owned by the 1% I am sure you are well informed.


yes, well what else can we do besides become terrorists ourselves? They already called protestors at the capitol "insurgents" who literally didnt harm a soul. Voting doesnt work because both sides have been poisoned so you replace one scumbag with another


Liberal democracy is great on paper but 2 things went wrong:

1) Political parties are built on funding so government is always controlled by the political parties with the most money, in most western countries that is big corporations and labor unions, but they represent less than 15% of population. That is hardly democracy.

2) The free press. Nobody is going to tell you something very obvious, the "free" press is almost entirely corporate owned. No mass media is owned by a poor person, not even a middle class. How could you have democracy if the free press is owned by the 1%.

The result is usually a government largely controlled by big corporations and the wealthy.

Voting doesnt work because both sides have been poisoned so you replace one scumbag with another

It is no accident politicians are scums, they are chosen to lie to us. We elect whoever lie to us the best.


Democracy was working when it had things to place to prevent morons from voting (IQ tests, knowing the language, owning property). Then the civil rights era was a guise to get the dumbest, most government dependent morons voting, so it's no shock all our reps are morons who shill for money, just like their voting base. Both are whore. The elite can do ANYTHING they want as long as these bottom feeders get some crumbs for doing nothing, like the commie swine they are. Break laws, change laws, embezzle, cheat in elections, turn all media into one giant psy op of conditioning and programming.


Even when voters are intelligent & well informed it is not going to work (And they are not, corporate media made sure of it).

You see there is a saying in liberal democratic countries:"We can't control who wins elections, but we can pick all the candidates".

You are only allowed to choose from the candidates pre-approved by corporate elites. There might be left or right, but they are just different factions of corporate elites. You can't really call billionaires such as Mike Bloomberg, Tom Steyer and Warren Buffett (all support democrats) commies, right?


True, but the voters are commies, the elite just use that to their advantage. For instance, Warren Buffet owns the train line that ships oil from Canada to the U.S. so telling everyone the keystone pipeline hurts the environment (vs a train running back and forth constantly is just ignored lol). They just exploit morons uninformed beliefs.


They just exploit morons uninformed beliefs.

Well, that is the cornerstone of liberal democracy.


which you eliminate by not allowing morons to vote. Sorry if that means only 2% of black and latinos, and 20% of white women (and Im being generous with those figures.)


Like I said before it won't make a difference. Politicians are going to do what corporate elites told them to do, not the voters.

The job of politicians is to sell the agenda of corporate elites to voters, spinning those agenda in a way sound like in the interests of people. Corporate media of course will help deliver them to voters and add their own touches.

Where voters make a difference are usually the issues corporate elites don't care or do not have a firm opinion.


And by the way, government press release is not delivered under oath, so they are pretty free to lie about it. There is no law says government has to be honest to it's people, isn't that interesting?


That didn’t come from the us government press release, it came from an African journalist.


"conducted one airstrike in the vicinity of Galkayo, Somalia today against al-Shabaab," Pentagon spokeswoman Cindi King said.

That is your own statement.


Yes . . .journalist's quote people. . .


From government press release to corporate media, that is the assembly line of lies.


Well if it isn't a shit hole, it soon will be.


Taking after his boy Obama. Destroyed peaceful and prosperous Libya for no coherent reason. Now, thanks to Barry, Libya is a wasteland where you can literally buy human slaves for a few hundred dollars.


Wonder what KKKeelai thinks of that


Libya was peaceful and prosperous before Obama? Human rights have been terrible there for a very long time. The political instability and constant violence have increased poverty in Libya over the last century and especially in the 1990's


Relatively peaceful. Obama made the same mistake in Libya Bush made in Iraq, ironic since Obama was so critical of Bush. He took out the leadership and didn't have a solid plan for the aftermath. If liberals are critical of Bush for Iraq, and they should be, then they better be just as critical of Obama in Libya. And also his feckless reactions to Syria and Russia. Bush was a buffoon, we can agree on that. But so was Obama. Obama's foreign policy blunders were so numerous he had to concoct a 'success' as his presidency was ending by giving everything to Iran for a nuclear deal they were never going to honor.


It wasn’t ‘relatively peaceful’ at all. If you are talking about mistakes made with American interventions I’d agree with you all day but trying to say that Libya was some kind of utopia that was purposely sabotaged by Obama that’s complete nonsense.


It was relatively peaceful. Just like Iraq was relatively peaceful before Bush decided to take out Hussein. Here, where I live, it is very peaceful compared to Chicago. It is relatively peaceful in China. That doesn't mean I would ever ever EVER want to live there. Peace comes at a cost in China. See how the word 'relative' works?
You are the only one who used the word 'Utopia'. Not me.
If you are going to blame Bush, then you need to be consistent and blame Obama for the same mistake. Libya has been a total mess ever since. And it directly led to the infusion of Al Qaeda, which led to escalating attacks which eventually culminated to the events in Benghazi. How can you possibly not see that?


I said that I would agree with you about American interventions. This whole thread is based on complete deception because Biden is working with the Somalian government to prevent more devastation and no civilians have died. Hindsight is 20/20 and most of the time our military intervenes it screws things up. I don’t agree with you about Libya being relatively peaceful based on the FACTS of Gaddafi’s history.


Then we disagree. Since we haven't had any kind of ambassador there since then, I'd say it was more peaceful before Obama took him out. Ya think?


It’s a mess for sure but much like Saddam Hussein’s rule, things were shockingly awful for civilians under Gaddafi. It’s surprising how much involving the American military can fuck up things, you’d think we would ave learned that lesson by now at the very least by Reagan’s ‘freedom fighters’. Our leadership keeps expecting different results to the same thing.


Even more amazing is Obama made the same mistake he criticized Bush for and no one seems to hold him accountable. If it were Trump, he would have been impeached. In every way possible, Obama did it wrong. Do you know who saved our remaining people in Benghazi? It wasn't Obama. He didn't do a thing to save those people. You blame America. But you should blame Obama. You haven't done that. You sure have no problem blaming Bush. Or Reagan. But not Obama. Why is that?


How far off of the topic of this thread are you wanting to go? Obama shouldn't have used military intervention the way that he did. I've not said anything about Bush and you keep acting as though I've been slamming him and praising Obama. You are coming off like someone who wants to 'win' some argument. I'm not interested in arguing with you. The fact remains that Libya wasn't peaceful before Obama's military intervention. I don't think you can drag this out anymore. I've no interest in beating a dead horse.


Libya wasn't peaceful or prosperous before

Sorry, but wrong. Lybia was the most prosperous of the Northern African countries. Thanks to this stupid intervention it is not anymore. It was just the wrong time. 30 years before it might have been legitimate to do something against Gaddafi. But in between he and his country developed pretty well.


I said it wasn't peaceful, it was prosperous, corruption brings in a lot of money no doubt.


"Not peaceful and corrupt" describes pretty well EVERY country these days. My apologies to the handful of exemptions that might exist.


They didn't have a slave trade in Libya under Gaddafi.. Guess what they have there now..a slave trade


You said that Biden was bombing the poorest people on Earth and that's ot at all what happened is it.


The title of the video said that. Did you even glance at it or just launch straight into your bullshit?

Somlians aren't poor?

And the comment above is a reply to your comment on Libya. Are you going to deny they have a slave trade now?

Just quit while you're still only an idiot, I can only imagine the further stupidity you're bound to display


There is a chance the cyber attacks in America actually originated in Somalia!


Yeah, sure. I think they have like one computer there now, it was donated from a library that closed down in St. Louis!
