MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > If America becomes a third-world country...

If America becomes a third-world country...?

GOOD. You Yanks have been in the driving seat and mucking things up for far too long as it is.


Then you’re left completely exposed lol, who do you think has been footing the majority of the bill for NATO? You guys? With Sadiq Khan as your capital city’s Mayor?

I think given how places like Birmingham, most of London, and Bradford guys have already entered 3rd world status in select areas of your country.


"you guys have already entered 3rd world status in select areas of your country."
So have you Yanks.


Yes thanks to open borders. Question is why do you celebrate it all around?


What do you mean?


You seem giddy at the prospect


If you want to close your USA/Mexico border to potential drug traffickers, it's fine by me. But at least try and hire a more competent contractor to build the wall :D


Yeah Nancy Pelosi blocked the funds.


No the SCOTUS blocked the fund.


Only in Democrat-run States. When Leftists push for destructive policies, what did they expect? Of course they'll become third-world. And since others have pointed out the same thing happened in your country, you're one to talk. It's best for you to not call the kettle black.


There you Republican lot go again, painting your opponents as the enemy of the country. Why can't you be more progressive instead of cheap point-scoring for vanity's sake?


Because they are right you idiot.


The Democrats would also say they are right, IDIOT.


Except the Republicans have evidence.

The Republicans ended slavery, achieved equal rights for women and POCs, create jobs for people of all races and both genders, lower taxes, and generally have lower crime rates in cities and States run by them.

What have the Democrats done? Other than promote hatred and division? Gaslight and project? And destroy everything that others have set out to build?


I don't believe you, and I think it's just Conservative propaganda.

Oh, and BTW, I DESPISE Conservatives: what they've done to the UK every time they've been in power has been unforgivable!!


You are completely lost and not worth anyone's time, I will put you on ignore and advise anyone to do the same. There is no point in political discussion with a partisan.


I think given how places like Birmingham, most of London, and Bradford guys have already entered 3rd world status in select areas of your country.

Nice attempt at whataboutery to detract from the OP's actual comment.


Prove it wrong


Went to Birmingham last week (thought it couldn't be as bad as everyone said)

It was worse.

Everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE) is covered in graffiti. Outside of the city centre, there's not a square inch of Wallspace that doesn't have some stupid spray-painted squiggle (or 'tag') on it.

And the city centre (despite some stunning architecture) is completely wasted on the (already) hostile demographic. Even the white people talk 'ebonics' and 'second-hand patois'

It's a complete shithole.


america has been on a massive decline for a long, long time. it is not entirely because of biden, trump, obama, either bush, etc. to blame it all on one president is stupid. the civil war had been building up for 50 years, thanks to the actions by several presidents from all parties involved. right now, we are building up to something big. every great empire falls apart eventually. the USA has its days numbered


This response is the only good one.


This is not from the Presidents or anything political aside from the pool of people that have to come up through a political vetting structure run by money, mostly by multi-billionaires like the Koch's and others. They choose politicians and others own the media that reports on them.

Did you ever see that big poster about how all the American Presidents have been related to each other if you go back far enough in history. I am not sure if Obama broke that or not, but it was pretty big and around for a while, now you hardly ever see that poster or claim.

Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king
King John, also known as John ‘Lackland’, is renowned for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited the monarch’s power and helped form the British Parliament.

All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king. What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins.

They stir up trouble and discord and distract with the so-called culture wars, because when all the fighting is over and people quietly discuss stuff they find that most people agree with supermajority that they want universal health care, free education, money out of politics ... there is a whole long list of what are trashed every day as Progressive ideas which a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle agree on.


at least we still have our gun rights while our sinking ship burns to the ground. u loser peasant brits dont even have guns to protect yourselves from the third world horde they imported into ur shithole country hahahahaha. go suck ur queens crusty old tits u british puff nanny


Your gun nut nature kills 90% of people UNnecessarily.


my grandparents survived the purges in Ukraine when the commies starved everyone to death after taking away their guns. 10 million people died so they could export the food supply to buy factory equipment for the communist machine. my parents immigrated to USA but i was born here and was born with my gun rights. they were given to by God himself and i will die before any man disarms me of my 2nd amendment birthright.




“Becomes”? It already has. Once shitstain Obama usurped the White House, America was finished.


Not to worry. He is in the Hamptons. Nothing will affect him there.


and trump did such a good job fixing it all


Everything was fine on January 19th…..Despite the dumassacraps bullshit impeachment, that is.


im sorry i didnt realize you have amnesia.


No problem. At least with amnesia, I’d still be doing better than the Commander-in-Chink Dementia Joe!


I didn't vote for Trump, but I do remember not suffering financially when he was president.


Clinton started it, Bush W trashed it, Obama progressed it, Trump finished it, Biden ends it, Trump completes it, China steps in.


"Biden ends it, Trump completes it"
Don't even attempt to predict a future that won't happen.


And what utopia do you live in?


So you want a country like China to run the world?



Wait till you see what China and Russia do.
