MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Mandatory lockdowns coming this summer/f...

Mandatory lockdowns coming this summer/fall

along with widespread food shortages. Thank y'all for being obedient slaves


last gasp at power before dems are wiped out at midterms, impeachment won't be off the table


Could his defense to impeachment be mental impairment? I mean if used it would probably open him up to having him removed from office under article 25... but then that would require Kamala and half his cabinet to turn on him and considering they haven't turned on him already there is no reason to think they would ever turn on him.


I think we'd start seeing distinctive camps emerge among the Democrats as they position themselves to gain power (Clinton camp, Buttigieg camp, etc). I think that Kamala Harris may be Biden's best insurance policy; she'd be so horrible that we might be wishing Biden stayed in office!

Honestly, though, our country is pretty much toast at this point. Democrats cannot govern because their principles are fundamentally flawed, so they push their policies the only way they can: by emotionally manipulating voters. Take a note of how many times they falsely claim that "white supremacy" is a serious issue when everyone knows there is less racism from white people than ever before, and anti-white racism seems to be on the rise. Also, look at how they continue to drag on the January 6 theater, despite the fact that their side was responsible for the worst rioting in American history in 2020....yet there is curiously no interest in investigating that.


What rioting in 2020?


Ahhhh, election time again..... Can't win an election? Create mass hysteria. Thanks Dumassacraps!


Manufacture a crisis to lockdown the population to encourage mail in voting and steal the midterms.


I think BLM's bat phone will be going off soon too.


yup, should be a crisis here soon....
