
Phids (320)


Why does the woke left want to destroy everything? Does Barron Trump travel back in time and return as Steve Bannon? I remember this Will this have a woke spin? Looks familiar Good series Why hasn't he been in more things? Original title Does anyone actually support this guy? Queen Charlotte wasn't actually black though View all posts >


Tbh I'm pretty sure this one was said in jest. It is funny though because Steve Bannon looks like old Barron Trump. I wonder if it would be crazier if they explain that he miraculously <spoiler>survived the shootout</spoiler>, or they leave it unexplained and act like it never happened in the first place. How about the story claims Dennis Haysbert's character <spoiler>didn't actually die in the original</spoiler> and he then plays a major role in the crew's heists in Heat 2.... "Basic manners"? If you want to argue that this woman is as objectively beautiful as other actresses, that is on you. However, I think it is safe to say that not many people will agree with you. I am in no way trying to impugn her (after all, physical beauty is superficial), but instead trying to provide you with objective context. You're claiming that all these people claiming everything under the sun is "racist", which is exactly what the left wants to claim, somehow don't "represent the left"? Come on. Be real. I might be at least slightly persuaded by your comment if the sources for these "racist" claims were no-name outlier sites, but they're not. These are from academics, from sites like "Mother Jones", etc. Sites that contained articles about racism in hiking/outdoors included the Sierra Club, Oregon Public Broadcasting, and NPR. So yes, this craziness is OWNED by the left. It sounds like you are trying to hide from this reality of your own (presumed) side, but you just need to accept it. No, it would not. Where is the "line in the sand" in regard to actors who get to play certain stage roles? I would say it's drawn at common sense. A person's sex is fundamental to his or her identity, so having a woman play a man's role, or vice versa, would not be ok. Ethnicity is not as fundamental, so I don't think it matters in a theatrical production in certain contexts. However, in a film production, it's another story I'm just the messenger. Seriously - where you you been living your whole life? Go to Google, and type in "Is <word> racist?" and replace <word> with the word of your choice. You'll find some article talking about how such and such is racist. It's comical at this point. These are examples of the left whining about virtually everthing under the sun. Examples: "Is cleaning racist?" "Is golf racist?" "Is perfume racist?" "Is backpacking racist?" "Is air racist?" Did you watch the first video? It starts off discussing how the left complained when a white guy got the role of Fidel Castro, and then it went on to describe other instances of white actors getting forced out of roles because the left complained. The second video by Michael Knowledge discussed Ariel, who is taken from The Little Mermaid, which is based on the historic fairly tale by Hans Christian Andersen from Denmark in 1837. In other words, it does have something to do with history. And just so we're clear, are you saying you would have zero problem with a white John Henry or even a white Black Panther superhero (a totally fictional role having nothing to do with history)? View all replies >