MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Thank God President Biden doesn't think ...

Thank God President Biden doesn't think COVID should be treated with "disinfectant injections"!

Thank God!


And you know that how?

For all we know, Biden probably misunderstood what Fat Donnie was talking about when he was talking about anti-viral injections on the viral infection.

Some other ramblings from Senile Joe regarding Covid:

"Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID."

And this beaut:

"If the president [Trump] had done his job — had done his job from the beginning — all the people would still be alive. All the people. I'm not making this up. Just look at the data,"

– Joe Biden


Thank God Fat Donnie is no longer on the world stage making a laughing stock of the USA as he mumbles incoherently about disinfectant injections and sunlight enemas and airports in The Revolutionary War!


Hes just a fucking retarded FAG and TRANNY lover.


And you are just fucking retarded.


We were much more respected on the world stage with Trump other than maybe some of those little fruity Euro countries that we came to the Americas to get away from in the first place because they act just like you.


Fat Donnie made The USA the laughing stock of the world stage. Thank God President Biden has restored the world's respect of The USA!


You can tell by how Russia waited until there was a liberal in the White House before starting their war in Ukraine.


Oh, you mean like they did before they invaded Georgia?

Ha ha! Vlad was too busy getting his cock sucked by Fat Donnie to care about anything else. Another year or two of the Trump/Putin Team, The USA would be officially a part of Russia. As it was, Dementia Donnie turned The WH into The Kremlin's US Division.


Biden's Campaign Song #M.C.G.A


I mean sure, Biden has the blood of 634,000+ dead Americans on his hands who have all died of COVID-19 under his watch. But still, just like everyone else (including Donald Trump), Biden doesn't believe that disinfectant injections will cure COVID. I guess that makes everything okay then. We can all forgive him now for the death toll catastrophe under his watch.


You can thank Dementia Donnie's incompetent leadership for the spread of COVID in The USA. Thank God the Biden Vaccine is slowly eradicating The Trump Virus!


I blame Democratic Chinese Collusion also i'm correct.


Dementia Donnie was a Democrat when he and Iskanka colluded with China?


Trump was always a democrat


Guess what?

Not taking the shot! Fuck you, fuck Biden, and FUCK FAUCI.


Hopefully you will have pleasant dreams as you are struggling to breathe with the help of a vent.


Sorry, already had COVID, and have antibodies so high my doc said don't bother with a vaccine.

Jokes on you sheep, enjoy your VAXX AIDS and myocarditis LOSER.


Oh, and have had COVID twice since I originally had it, barely knew I had it at all and only lasted 3-4 days both times.

Jokes on you SHEEP.



You are more of a candidate for monkey-pox.


No sorry I'm not a buttmonger like you are.

Jealous that my antibody count is sky high? That I don't have myocarditis? That my blood is pure and not rejected by the Red Cross as it's not tainted with Fauci AIDS?



No, I am positive you are a monkey-ox carrier. You match the profile.


All appearances point to the likelihood that he doesn't think at all. Thanks to Trump you got your precious vaccine hustled through in a hurry. Biden hasn't done jack shit.


You should thank God that The Biden Vaccine is eradicating The Trump Virus, and then, considering your life style, you should pray for a monkey-pox vaccine.


Thank God that Dr. Bonespurs is no longer in The WH prescribing disinfectant injections!
