MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Thank God President Biden does not think...

Thank God President Biden does not think that our Revolutionary War-Era Army ‘Took Over the Airports’

As Dementia Donnie once said: “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,”


Biden doesn't know who's changing his diaper these days...


At Mar A Lago (these days) Dementia Donnie's care takers are missing scheduled diaper changes and Donnie's tantrums are getting more intense.


latinos are as smart as breakfast tacos.


Every day we should thank God that we no longer have a POTUS who thinks we had airports in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. Good riddance to Dementia Donnie!


Pedo Joe was seen on camera trying to shake hands with the ghost of George Washington..


Fat Donnie had Ivana Epsteined because she threatened to expose his (Fat Donnie's) years he spent molesting Iskanka when she was a toddler.


The correct term is "Hillaried".


It was Fat Donnie's Epstein Squad that bumped off Ivana. She knew way too much about his (Fat Donnie's) incestuous relationship with Iskanka. Donnie basically had Ivana offed for the same reason he had Epstein snuffed.




It was Fat Donnie's Epstein Team that did the work. Fat Donnie needed both Ivana & Epstein gone for basically the same reason--little girls, and one of them was Fat Donnie's daughter.


The term is "Hillaried"


If you had enough connections and one of your ex-wifes was about to spill the beans about the sexual relationship that you had with your daughter (who in this case was Iskanka Trump) you would have a team on hand to assassinate her as well. In this case, it just happens to be the same team that Fat Donnie used to assassinate Jeff Epstein to prevent him from exposing Fat Donnie's many forays into pedophilia at Epstein's Pedo-Island.

Hence, Fat Donnie calls them "The Epstein Squad" and when he needed Ivana offed, he told them to Epstein her. That way Fat Donnie can swear under oath that he never ordered Ivana to be murdered.


It seems clear from your constant unsolicited ramblings about Trump that you are totally obsessed with the man and have latent sexual feelings for him. You must rub one out whenever you think of him or post about him.

Just write Fat Donny a love letter. Even if you don't mail it it might be cathartic if nothing else.




Are you paid to post this shit?


Yes, and by my calculations you owe me a shit-load of money.


immattj is in love with Trump. Unrequited love often manifests itself in odd public behavior.


Thank God our current president, Joe Biden, knows the difference between The war Of 1812 and The Revolutionary War and does not make stupid speeches in which he mixes them up. Thank God President Biden (unlike Dementia Donnie) does not think we had airports in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds!
