MovieChat Forums > Jolene Blalock Discussion > Has anyone noticed that this woman has t...

Has anyone noticed that this woman has talent, not just good looks?

It might seem a bizarre question to some, but all I seem to hear of Jolene Blaloke is "She was in Playboy and she was hoooottttt!" etc. I'm well aware of how good looking she is, I know she's extremely attractive, she catches my eye too, but I also know she is something of a talented actress. And I know I'm not the only one who knows and appreciates this, so who wants to discuss her assets as a good actress instead of what's on her face and across her chest?
To date I've only seen her in Enterprise playing out my favourite character - T'Pol. I'm gonna get a hold of the CSI episode she was in, and I'll probably go see the new movie she's in too. Mainly 'cause I'm pretty sure she wont disappoint in her performance. I'd love it if she did more work, but I'm also pretty happy with just watching her in Enterprise every week (although I live in Scotland and wont be watching season three till September, so my Enterprise videos will have to do until then). Has anyone seen her in anything else, like that CSI episode, or Jason and the Argonauts? How was she?


Oh no, I know she's *very* good looking, and I haven't got a problem with her flaunting it either, hell knows I would if I had it. It's just, well all you have to do is look at the topic titles on her to see the talent seems to be overlooked for whatever assests she has. Maybe she has brought it on herself, but I just think she needs a little more praise for her acting skills and not just the supposed naked ass in that scene of that episode of Enterprise.

*shrugs* Call me a feminits, call me unacceptant of sex appeal over talent, I just think after a while it gets to a degree were it's almost derogitory, and she's not an actress to most, but more that horrible term 'eye candy'.
