The collagen and silicon make her look like a freak.

Truly a shame she felt the need to mutilate herself to get noticed.

If she had any acting talent she would evidently not have had to do it.


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collagen and silicon, where do you see all that collagen and silicon maybe the lips,ok! Jolene is a rather thin woman, no big ass, no big titt she looks skin and bone and I can't figure out why some people see plastik.


I think she is beautiful, there are sometimes where she has looked skinnier but over all when she is not over made up I think she is very beautiful. As far as her acting goes, I can"t speak for everything she has been in but I thought she did a good job in Enterprise bringing a character that was kind of hard nosed and uptight in the beginning and giving her depth and made a sympathetic character by the end. I think the OP is just holding sour grapes as they said some disparaging comments over on the Enterprise board as well.


Jolene is a rather thin woman, no big ass,
uh.. yeah. No big ass. http://imgh.us/2011-09-01_2053.jpg
Get your eyes checked.
Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


That's a tiny butt, get YOUR eyes checked, or your brain.



Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


I could fit that whole thing in one of my hands. You are just dumb.


i have this suspicion that 9 times outta 10 when u have someone critical on a thin white woman for having "no ass" it is always someone who is not white lol.

Cause usually its not even true and feels like they are just assuming lol.
