T'Pol in XI?

Am I the only one who would like to see an older T'Pol giving Spock advice on serving with Humans in the next movie? I think it would be a great scene. I really hope they dont bury T'Pol. She had some awesome flaws.


I completely agree with you, although it is highly unlikely... :-(


I'd love for the script to throw we "Enterprise" fans a bone with the young Kirk mentioning that Spock is the first Vulcan/Human hybrid and Zachary Quinto's Spock interrupting saying "No Lt. Kirk, Ambassador T'les Elizabeth Tucker has that honor."


Me too. I'd like to see T'Pol again, but I deeply doubt it does. Besides Jolene Blalock 'll never do again. I think I undestood the character Jolene Blalock and I dont think she is much bound T'Pol, she took this role for she didnt find other jobs, I heard an interview where she stated that. I think also that a true fan of Jolene did it.


I would love to see Jolene in a cameo role in the movie. I know many Trekkers arent very keen on Enterpise, but the fourth season was fantastic and whether people like it or not, it is apart of the Star Trek legacy and should be honoured in some way by the movie. T'Pol was a great character and a scene with the younger Spock would be ideal.

I also doubt the writers have given much if any thought to it.


I'd like for Jolene to be in the main cast but as a new character. Maybe as the ST11 version of Yeoman Rand. Jolene in a short mini-skirt uniform serving young Kirk.

But no T'pol. While I couldnt care less if ST:E is part of the legacy or not, like all of the treks it has its goods & sucks, I personally could not stand two chatacters. T'pol & the navigator. In fact, while I am not much a fan of ST:E, I'd rather ST11 be an ST:E movie than younger verions of the TOS crew.


I'd love to see Jolene in the next movie in ANY form - but to me the most sensical is as T'Pol, and she was clearly the most liked character on Enterprise - and by women too so not just for her looks.

I agree that they need to throw Enterprise fans a bone or two and they also need to go ahead and canonize the events of the ST:E book The Good That Men Do and Last Full Measure that threw out the finale like the garbage that it was. They need to validate it with something Spock says about Trip and T'Pol's offspring. It's only logical.


You meant "throw us 'Enterprise' fans", right?

My Trunk Monkey can beat up your Trunk Monkey


What a great idea. There would be a great connection. From what I've seen, she's not on the ccast list. T'Pol and Spock would be a great scene.

I differ with the critics ... Jolene would be happy to be further connected with ST; she's never had a bad word to say about it.

Is your point so weak that you must have the last word?
