MovieChat Forums > George W. Bush Discussion > When did people, in America and otherwis...

When did people, in America and otherwise, officially started to hate him?

Was it before or after his 2003 decision to invade Iraq?

Also, compared to other Presidents of the United States (of America of course!), like his late father, and Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan etc, and those after him, was his reputation really the worst?

Then again, I don't see too much controversies and accusations of war crimes on some of them, even if not everyone's a fan of Clinton for instance, so it seems Bush is ranked as the worst. Right?


Democrats always hated whichever Republican is at the top of the list and threatens their power the most.

Trump was Hitler. Bush was Hitler. Romney was Hitler. McCain was Hitler. Arnold was Hitler. Dole was Hitler. Reagan was Hitler. Nixon was Hitler.

Today it’s Desantis and Abbot. Oh and Larry Elder who the Democrat media call the “black face of white supremacy”.

When you follow politics are you’re informed it’s easy to spot. It’s clear the Democrat media/party has no ideas or solutions. They never have any proactive solutions. Just hate and blame. Been this week since they killed JFK. The last pro American Democrat.


During the latter part of his second term.


I'd say everybody started hating George W as soon as he was illegally installed by the Supreme Court despite losing the popular vote.
