Was he stupid?

Or not, thanks.


It might have seemed so at one time. However, compared to the senile halfwit in the White House today, Bush seems like a fucking genius.


'compared to the senile halfwit in the White House today, Bush seems like a fucking genius.'

I've got no horse in the race of American politics, but that did make me laugh!


He had obvious dyslexia, and probably slightly below average results in other intelligence tests, but he certainly was a disciplined man to overcome alcoholism, become a Govenor and two term president.

His art is terrible though so he's no artistic genius 😂




No, it was an act, and that’s BAD.

Bush family utilized covert CIA techniques. Operative spy behavior to blend in or be underestimated by onlookers. They were the most evil American political dynasty of the modern era, and quite Machivellian in behavior. Basically, what Putin is in Russia (ex-KGB), the Bushes were sort of the equivalent here. Oil magnates. Weapons manufacturers. War profiteers.

Unlike the petty made-up nonsense they talk about now, George W. actually DID steal an election in 2000 with his governor brother, and Florida Secretary of State who was his campaign chair.

They also formed a long-standing rivalry with a more peaceful American dynasty, the Kennedys, that stood against war profits and organized crime, and look what happened to them. Three of them were murdered. Two by the father, one by the son. Then there’s RFK Jr who’s obviously under some sort of Manchurian Candidate mind-control.

Poppy was confirmed CIA in the 60s (Operation Zapata), and in the 70s was the Head, and let the plumbers’ unit with Howard Hunt (also confirmed CIA) of Watergate fame into the Nixon White House. What happened next? Pure corruption just like old Prescott Bush, the American Nazi, taught them. I actually feel sorry for Nixon… his paranoia and downfall were fostered from within by the people surrounding him.

Folks on this site talk about liberals like me having TDS about Trump. That’s because we are living in the present where he is still vying for power, and his supporters don’t care about the law. The Bushes were still worse than Trump. DJT is an incompetent self-promoter and bullying grifter-sex fiend, sure, but the thing about real estate development is that you do want to BUILD. That’s his goal. That’s a plus. Bushes only destroy and pillage for their profits. I don’t vote for GOP oligarch morons, but Trump > Bush for a Democrat. Thank the Lord he saved us from Jeb being nominated by the RNC. Never forget.

Biden 2024, or
Dean Phillips 2024
for President




No. He wasn't very good a being president though, cause he wasn't actually in charge. He's a very different man in footage you see of him before he ran for the big job. He was put into office by his father, I truly believe he wasn't told shit about anything that was happening around him, and insane daddy finished his tyrannical molding of the world. Even now he's just some bizarre recluse painter. Everything about the dude says he never wanted to be President.


You’re buying into the image, hook, line and sinker. See my post above. It’s a carefully crafted facade. If what a man shows the public is that he’s nothing but a reclusive painter in retirement, then it’s simply misdirection covering for malignant motives. Never forget what this family is about. These are people who form business ties with Saudi royalty to corner the market on fossil fuels.

Nobody knows what kind of meetings George W. Bush and his cohorts are actually holding behind closed doors, post-Presidency, but I assure you they are not discussing Bible stories, Rembrandt and holiday recipes.

The man wanted to be president. His ego is huge. His father’s expectations were colossal, and the son ran his campaign. The son, after maneuvering his way into power himself, executed a leader (Saddam) of a sovereign nation as personal retribution for the aftermath of his father’s Desert Storm operation while simultaneously flying relatives named Bin Laden safely out of the country on private planes while the FDA grounded the airlines in the midst of 9/11. Talk about letting no good crisis go to waste.

The man was the Devil.


I think he still is, its not like he got smarter.
He just did a better job of seeming he actually had the power to decide anything, unlike Biden.


I think he is probably of average intelligence, but he obviously went to college to study politics, so that puts him a tiny bit higher than the average Joe. Now that I know he's part of the uniparty, my opinion of him has gone down somewhat, and I don't like his wimpy brother Jeb at all.

Think about the people who keep calling him "stupid" and constantly complain about "WMD's" and "Iraq," and you'll have your answer on what kind of people would say that.


