MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > Comey : Does she dare speak up?

Comey : Does she dare speak up?

With Comey fired does Clinton dare speak up in defense of Comey? If she does then is there not a level of hypocracy involved. I believe that Clinton is guilty of a multitude of crimes and feel that the American public had one more turd dropped on it with her crimes being swept under the rug. Something that I will certainly hold against Trump should he run again. While the media is trying to fan the flame of "why now" I do get that you do not make a termination without being ready to implement your next step so no misstep by Trump in that respect.


Not a chance. Comey played both sides during and after the election, he made everyone angry.


Hillary Clinton might "speak up" in defense of Comey if she were able to get a speaking fee of $100,000. lol Really that woman would never extend herself or defend another unless there was big $$$$ involved. She cares for no one but herself and her ravenous ambitions.
