Caught the Rona.
🤣 Couldn't happen to a more deserving individual.


Oh! Will she die from this lethal disease


Unlikely. She's vaccinated.


"Well, I've tested positive for COVID," Clinton, 74, wrote in a tweet. "I've got some mild cold symptoms but am feeling fine."

Clinton, who is fully vaccinated, said she is "more grateful than ever for the protection vaccines can provide against serious illness" and asked her followers to "get vaccinated and boosted if you haven't already!"

The announcement from Clinton follows a Tuesday evening statement from White House press secretary Jen Psaki that she tested positive for the virus for a second time and would have to skip her press briefing at the White House.


Were you vaccinated, blue1981?


Much as I'd love to see the bitch croak from that, she unfortunately has a tendency to behave like herpes; no matter what is done to eradicate her, she just keeps coming back. Probably part of her bargain with you-know-who to live to be 100 before she is allowed to croak for real.


Yup, she got the Trump Virus


Bill didn't get it, 'cause they "socially distanced."


See, this is what happens when we willy-nilly relax our masking restrictions. We refused to keep the entire world shut down for a third year, and now a former president's wife has the sniffles. The sniffles, I say!


How is it that all the democrats got it within a week?

Is there anything bubba hasn’t caught?
Good thing Kneepads is in NATO saving us from WW3.
