MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > "Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republ...

"Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office."

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So apparently "MAGA Republicans" control the weather or something...


yeah, most people are unaware that MAGA makes it hot in summer and cold in winter. MAGA also caused the last ice age to end 25,000 years ago.


People like Hilary with their hyperbole do more to undermine the science of climate change than even the so called "climate deniers".




I would say it’s their hypocrisy. How can someone say it’s the end of the world if we don’t…and then proceed to do all the things they demand the regular people don’t do.

- Owning multiple beach front properties.

- Flying all over the world in private jets that contribute 10,000x as much carbon to the atmosphere.

- Keep their Napa restaurant open during lockdowns and not wear masks.

These people are a joke. Every single one should be removed from power and have their wealth confiscated. They are a danger to the entire planet.


All environmentalists are morons. It's easily advisable to do the opposite of what they say.


The entire western US just experienced a record winter.

The clown is a joke.

Now her lemmings will try to tell us it was hot winter because reeeeee


I was at the secret MAGA/Patriarchy conference recently and we voted unanimously to put a final end to the bland, unchanging climate of the past few billion years and make it get hotter and hotter.


You bastard!!


I was at that conference too! Sadly, I missed the "oppress woman and minorities" luncheon.


We MAGA Republicans are the ones who are forcing China and India do the majority of polluting in the world. If you don't vote us back in, we'll make them double their carbon output.


No sane person is in favor of deliberately polluting the environment. I am sure you would agree. My problem with the Hildabeast and her ilk is the way they set themselves up as gods who can actually CHANGE the planet. Somehow they can vote to enact laws which will make Mother Nature sit up, take notice and do things their way.

The Earth has been around for billions of years and mankind is just a tiny part of that. We, well actually THEY, set themselves up with their super duper giant EGOS and think that just because some stupid, dumbasses vote for them that they are actually superior beings!


I was doing a parody of what dolts like Killary and Diaper Loader Biden say about us. They seem to miss the point that all the costs of reducing emissions in the U.S. (worthy, yes even if the effects are negligible or even not at all) are being completely erased by the expanding Chinese and Indian (and other) manufacturing growth elsewhere in the world.


Oh I was sure you were doing a parody! Hillary and Biden are the jokes. And not very funny jokes at that!
