Allied reviews

Hi! I am sad the film is getting bad reviews... Anyway, everybody says Marion is fantastic in her role... But I hoped some Oscar nods for the film and it looks like not at the end... :(


On Rotten Tomatoes, most of the major print media (LA TIMES, SF GATE, Chicago papers) gave it a favorable. Those who didn't like the movie spent most of their time and space bashing Zemeckis and Pitt, often not even mentioning Marion at all (the usual misogyny in Hollywood). Those who do state stuff like "Cotillard is endlessly inventive and enjoyable to watch," or in other phrases point out that she is terrific in this movie. Many of the self-appointed critics, on blogs with silly names like FilmDrunk, as usual know a little but not enough to fully review a movie, particularly an historic era. They just watch a lot of movies and think they know all about cinema. So they just deal with the surface, commenting Pitt never had any real talent to begin with, and Zemeckis is too old to be making movies. The fact that they don't know what they are talking about doesn't ease the disappointment in today's low standard for print media. But it does mean that no one will see them, or read them, or pay much attention to them anyway. The audience will be brought by Pitt, Cotillard, TV ads, and the major magazines and newspapers.

Cotillard does once more score raves, when these men remember who she is and where they've seen her before. But they have columns of room to discuss the artistic ability of Stewart and Lawrence. Shame, shame.

Many of the major print folk are not out yet as I write this.
