MovieChat Forums > Marion Cotillard Discussion > First trailer for RochNRoll this Sunday

First trailer for RochNRoll this Sunday

I can't wait

+ First official Poster with the Tweet


LOL if you wanna read that way it's your call. You clearly does everything to find an excuse to defend that thing. Let's agree to disagree then, though she let it extremely clear in that interview why she disliked Marie so it kinda is contradictory to do a similar role after that. I'll ignore the rest or your agressive post, calling me insane and blablabla.

Let me ask YOU a question: do you work for Marion Cotillard? And Canet? Because you created your account exactly when they started dating and you usually show up to comment when someone says something negative about them or their projects. Why does that bother you so much? I'm not the only one who hates that mediocre man, you can easily find ordinary people on the internet talking about how violent, arrogant and womanizer he is. I'm just wondering...

I am a fan but being a fan doesn't mean I have to kiss her ass all the time. So when she does bad films in my view, like the ones directed by Canet (nobody pays to his films anymore for obvious reasons), Le Dernier Vol, Fair Play or Une affaire privée, I criticize her. When she says things I don't agree with, I express myself too. It's my right to express my thoughts on what she does, she's a public person after all, a very famous actress. If you think everything she says or does is beautiful and she's perfect, good for you. I don't live in a fantasy world, sorry. I find Marion a hell of an actress and she seems to be a very good and kind person.

Ps: this isn't a FAN FORUM in case you didn't know. And I don't have to justify myself to anyone in here either.
